Old "Mecca Stars" Pics from Marie Claire (shot nowhere near Mecca)

Fashion shots from Dubai, taken in Marie Claire Magazine. And white all the muhajababe's out there have likely seen all these shots HALF A DOZEN times, I thought I'd include some behind the scenes coverage as well, which were not posted half as often. BTW, the models were mostly all Brazilian. Thank you Marie Claire for at least not presenting us all in a negative light, though you got attacked for not doing so.


cairo girl said…
MashaAllah Pixie I loved ur set sooo much more! As someone who is half south american, in the back of my head I knew they weren't arab! these are definitely south american girls! I was one who was really disappointed on these glam. shots in hijab.... while we gained exposure, I felt it was very sultry! thanks for ur set once again! oh, i am wearing the niqab with the sunglasses! my kids think i look like a reptile.......:) i guess we can't win them all!
Ruqayyah said…
Mashallah pretty shots (:
How was the magazine attacked though?
Anonymous said…
I thought MEcca stars were a saudi arabian girl band..
Pixie said…
cairo girl: I think because it was a fashion magazine they made it more sexy glam than real muslimahs would do (like chewing on the sunglasses):P Ewwwww!
Pixie said…
Ruqqayaah:Some USA radio stations called the mag down for abusing women ect.
Pixie said…
Fatima: I don't listen to music very often so I wouldn't know:D
Majda said…
I chew my sunglasses... I really need to stop. D: