The Qu'ran says:
Qur'an 4: 64 "We sent not a messenger but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah." Qur'an 4:80 "He who obeys the Messenger obeys Allah." Qur'an 5:92 "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and beware!" Qur'an 24:53 "Say: 'Swear not; Obedience is (more) reasonable.' Say: 'Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger." Qur'an 48:10 "Verily those who swear allegiance to you (Muhammad), indeed swear their allegiance to Allah." and of course, the most valid ayah for me pertaining to following the Prophet's sunnah: "And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it." (59:7).
If you did not follow the ahadith, you would not know how to make wudu (only that you would have to wash), and your would not know how many rakat you have to pray, or how to do so. You also wouldn't have some of the most beautiful sayings about women, such as that they are not to be beaten (i.e harmed), and that temporary marriage marriage is forbidden till the day of judgement (yet it is not forbidden in the Qu'ran at the point when the ayah was revealed) or explaination through example of many of the commands in the Qu'ran that would have been clear to the Sahaba (such as how the khimar should be worn) but less so to us today as we forget how the Jewish and Christian women covered at the time, and how we did so to differentiate ourselves from them.
The hadith are the recorded sayings and actions of our messenger, may peace and blessings be on him and his family. InshaAllah I will write another post soon on about how to research a ruling (first taking into account the source of the hadith, then its chain of narration, what it meant in context, and what stage in the seerah (Prophet's life) was it revealed, and then, what other hadiths there on the subject, and the same for them, so one as a complete picture. If it is a hadith where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is commanding something be forbidden or something be now halal that is already and before halal or forbidden in the Qu'ran, the authentic hadith actually overrides this because the Qu'ran says: "If We abrogate [overule with something better] a verse or cause it to be forgotten [its true purpose no longer adherred to], We will replace it by better one or one similar." 2:106. The Qu'ran continuously commands us and advises us to follow the actions of the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu alahi wa salaam, and if one is to study the seerah (story) of the Prophet's life, one will see this is exactly the manner the sahaba acted in. So to do that we have to rely on valid hadith, and Bukhari's ahadith are the most widely researched, he having sought his whole life to collect hadith, find their chain of narration, and eliminate any of those that have been falsified.
It has been unanimously agreed by scholars that Imam Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. The authenticity of Al Bukhari's work is such that the religious learned Scholars of Islam said concerning him: The most authentic book after the Book of Allah is sahih Al Bukhari.' Imam Bukhari was born on 13th Shawwal in the year 194 A.H in Bukhara in the territory of Khurasan (West Turkistan). His real name is Muhammad bin Ismail bin Al-Mughirah Al-Bukhari. His father died when he was still a young child and he was looked after by his mother. At the age of ten he started acquiring the knowledge of Hadith. He travelled to Makka when he was sixteen years old accompanied by his mother and elder brother. It seemed as though Imam Bukhari loved Makka and its learned religious scholars for he remained in Makka after bidding farewell to his mother and brother. He spent two years in Makka and then went to Al-Madina. After spending a total of six years in Al-Hijaz which comprises MAkka and Al-Madina, he left for Basra, Kufa and Baghdad and visited many other places including Egypt and Syria. He came to Baghdad on many occasions. He met many religious learned scholars including Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. Owing to his honesty and kindness and the fact that he was trustworthy he used to keep away from the princes and rulers for fear that he may incline to say things to please them.Many a story has been told about Imam Bukhari regarding his struggles in collecting Hadith literature. He travelled to many different places gathering the precious gems that fell from the lips of the Noble Prophet Muhammad. It is said that Imam Bukhari collected over 300 000 Ahadith and he himself memorized 200 000 of which some were unreliable. He was born at a time when Hadith was being forged either to please rulers or kings or to corrupt the religion of Islam. It was a great task for him to sift the forged Ahadith from the authentic ones. He laboured day and night and although he had memorised such a large number he only chose approximately 7275 with repetition and about 2230 without repetition of which there is no doubt about their authenticity.Before he recorded each hadith, he would make ablution and offer a two Rakat prayer and supplicate his Lord (Allah). Many religious scholars of Islam tried to find fault in the great remarkable collection, but without success. It is for this reason, they unanimously agreed that the most authentic book after the Book of Allah is Sahih Al-Bukhari.Imam Bukhari died on first Shawwal in the year 256 A.H and was buried in Khartank, a village near Samarkand. May Allah have mercy on his soul.
More about following the Prophet's Example In Order to Understand and Obey the Qu'ran: Qur'an 33.21 "Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example for him who looks unto Allah and the Last Day." Qur'an 60.4 "There is for you an excellent example, a pattern in Abraham and those with him[ie: Mohammad], when they said to their people: 'We are through with you and with what you worship besides Allah. We reject you. Hostility and hate have come between us forever, unless you believe in Allah only.'" Qur'an 6.83 "And this was Our argument which we gave to Abraham against his people. And We gave him Ishaq (Isaac) and Yah'qub (Jacob) [; each did We guide, and Nuh (Noah) did We guide before, and of his descendants, David and Solomon, and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron; and thus do We reward those who do good (following Muhammad's example in the Sunnah). And Zachariah and Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus) and Elias; every one was of the good [i.e. Muslims]; And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot and every one We preferred above men and jinn."
The one thing you have to do sometimes, is seek out a scholar, and see if a hadith is authentic, i.e, has a solid chain of narration. For example, the hadith about Asmaa coming to the Prophet sallalalhu alahi wa salaam and her clothes being thin and a bit see-through, and him telling her to cover everything but her face and hands? Its narration actually has not connection to the person who is supposed to be narrating it. Also, if the hadith seems harsh, knowing its context often helps. There are alot of weak (no solid chain of narration) hadiths out there, and even worse, some fabricated ones, so I often use scholars who can research chains of narration. But there is a direct command in the Qu'ran to take what the Messenger recommends us, and to leave what he forbids us, so... that is why I follow the sahih ahdith and the Qu'ran. I find Qu'ran-alone Muslims lacking in some of the five pillars, and actually disobeying multiple commands in the Qu'ran.
Interestingly enough, none of the Qur'an-alone websites I've seen talk about Verse 59:7.
Jazakhallah khair, again!
wow, you've really researched this quite well and not only answered Marissa's question but mine's as well. I mean I wasn't a 'Quran-only' muslim but I wasn't knowledgeable enough to understand that yeah, the Quran and Sunnah is what we have to follow. Anyway, I just wanted to say jazak'Allah khair for this post!!
As Imaam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal said in The Foundations of the Sunnah, "The Sunnah explains and clarifies the Qur'an. It is a guide to the Qur'an(containing evidences and indications as to its meaning and correct interpretations)".
Btw, I Love that book!
Death knocked on a bedroom door.
"Who is there?' the sleeping one cried.
"I'm Angel Izrael, let me inside."
At once, the man began to shiver
As one sweating in deadly fever.
He shouted to his wife
"Don't let the Angel take my life."
"O Angel of Death, I am not ready yet
My family, on me depend
Give me a chance to go back and mend."
The Angel Knocked again.
"O Man, it's your soul that I require
I come not with my own desire"
Bewildered, the man began to cry
"O Angel, I'm so afraid to die."
"Let me remain here as your slave,
Don't send me to the grave."
"Let me in, O Man" the Angel said.
"Open the door, get up from your bed,
You can't stop me from coming in
Angels can go through objects thick and thin."
The man held a gun in his right hand
Ready to defy the Angel's stand.
"I'll point my gun towards your head
You dare come in - I'll shot you dead."
By now, the Angel was in the room
Saying " O Man, Prepare for your doom
Foolish Man - Angels never die
Put down your gun and do not sigh
Why are you afraid - tell me O Man
To die according to Allah's plan?"
"O Angel, I bow my head in shame
I Had no time to remember Allah's name
From dawn till dusk, I made my wealth
Not even caring for my spiritual health.
Allah's commands I never obeyed
nor five times a day I ever prayed
A Ramadhan came and a Ramadhan went
But no time had I to repent.
The Hajj was already obligatory upon me
But I would not part with my money
All charities I did ignore
Taking usually more and more.
Sometimes I sipped my favourite wine
With flirting women I sat to dine
O Angel I appeal to you
Spare my life for a year or two.
The laws of The Quran, i will obey
I'll begin Shalat - this very day
My fast and hajj I will complete
And keep away from self-conceit.
I will refrain from usury
And give my wealth to charities
Wine and unlawful women I will detest
Allah's oneness I will attest"
"We Angels do what Allah demands
We cannot go against His commands
Death is ordained for everyone
Father, mother, daughter and son.
I'm afraid this moment is your last
Now be reminded of your past
I do understand your fears
But it is now too late for tears.
You live in this world
Two score or more
Your parents you did not obey
Hungry beggars, you turned away
Your two ill-mannered, female offsprings
In nightclubs for livelihood they sing
Instead of making more Muslim
You made your children non-Muslim
You ignored the Adhan (Call to Prayer)
Nor did you recite the Holy Quran
Breaking promises all your life
Backbiting friends and causing strife.
From hoarded goods, great profit you made
And your poor workers, you underpaid
Horses and cards were your leisure
Money-making was your pleasure
You ate and ate, and grew more fat
With the very sick, you never sat
A little donation, you never gave
That could a little baby save
You thought you're clever and strong
But O Man, You've done enough wrong.
Paradise for you? I cannot tell
The disbeliever will dwell in hell
There is no time for you to repent
I'' take your soul for which I am sent."
Adopted by Dr Y Mansoor Marican, Ph.D from "Operation Death" by G.H.E. Vanker