i love this sister's niqab

I love the ribbon detail on this sister's niqab. MashaAllah it's so pretty.


Cea said…
That is really pretty. Niqabi with style...

Oooo, I like it a lot. Definitely something different!!
malizea said…
beautiful style mashallah!
Pixie said…
Cea: Agreed, mashaAllah.
Pixie said…
Yasmin: Isn't it?
Pixie said…
malizea: do you think niqabis would buy these if I started to make them?
on345667755 said…
pixie i would buy 100 of them if they were as cute as this.
LOL sorry to disagree on this on hun but THIS ribbon looks liek a spider on her face freaked me out a bit LOl perhaps a different color or fabrib or diff style of design I'd klove that. Perhpas a bit of emroidery line or spot or a flower kinda ribbon I dunno. Good idea though but would most niqabis wear such decor? Most wear it for lack of attention i dunno guess dependson the niqabi
Unknown said…
i am umm muddaththir location philly and i made this niqab...i think very nice item...any1 want 1 contact me @ ummmuddaththir@hotmail.com

as salamu alakum