New York Niqabi: cream abaya and beige niqab

This elegant cream abaya Cream & Brown Abaya for $55.99 USD [let me know if you have had any experiences ordering from this company] made me think about Donna Karan (and thus New York) and I think it would look elegant with this beige niqab Beige Oval Niqab 3 Layers - Eye Mesh - Nose String for $9.99 GBP and these flats for $18.99 USD, as well as black satin gloves and tights (for the cool new york weather). If you are a munaqaba, would you wear it? And I DON'T want any of the-black-is-the-only-halal-colour niqabis commenting:D. I mean you can, but I don't regard your opinion the same way, because it is not based solely in Islam, no offence meant.


Jaz said…
Oh wow, gorgeous :). I totally ADORE that New York style. Reminds me of J-Lo for the video All I Have, okay maybe this isn't supposed to be an imitation of La Lopez but all the same it's very stylish :)!
Fatou Thioune said…
did you stop postin hijabi sets i mean i just see niqab
starr_chaser said…
Nice; but I never wear flats- esp. with an abaya
Unknown said…
wa'alaikum as-Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu,

This abaya was the first one that I saw when I came across their site a few weeks ago. I was like, "Oooo!" ^_^. I have my days when Khaleeji Noire rox, but I'm a colourful person and a hopeless colourholic sooo.... um, yeah. hehe ^_^.

I'd a stylin' munaqabah! ^_^.

-Ummu Mujaahideen

P.S.: I seriously need to up my bag game...
I like the abaya but Im not too crazy about the niqab-maybe a different color. I love to spill things on my niqab so light colors don't really work for me but I do love them. Im a born and bred New Yorker and I definitely like the style. NY isn't just all about black, we like color too.
Pixie said…
Jaz: I haven't seen the vid, but I'm sure she was very polished.
Pixie said…
Habibti: I never poted "Hijabi" sets as in non jilbab sets but I have posted quite a few outfits so far (including this one and this one

Though any of the niqabi looks you can wear with the matching shayla that comes with the abaya instead of niqab:D It is just hard to find niqabs that match the abayas since they aren't sold in sets so I am always going to include a niqab if one matches the set (not plain black ones) to help some girls out. I hope you don't mind. Please don't mind!:D
Pixie said…
starr_chaser: Sorry. I'll try to include heels and flats, but flats have a more Islamic base from what I've read of hadith. Heels are just fun fun fun:D I'll try to do both in the next set. Black patent kitten heel would look cute too.
Pixie said…
Amsiya: Salaam alaykom ramatullah wa barakato, LOL I love bags. I have made a goal to stop buying them because I don't need anymore.
Pixie said…
Yasmin: I've heard that about lighter niqabs. Have yet to get too messy though. Ohhhh new york girls dress up more than Parisian ones. Paris is about relaxed elegance, New York is about girly fun and sportif polish. London is me, which is self-expression:D
Fatou Thioune said…
dont worry i have no problems with that
Jamilah said…
I actually like that you used flat for this. Heels are really not very 'hijab' like. They make you walk differently, if they show at all they are usually way to sexy and most scholars agree they are not a proper part of a Muslimah's wardrobe when she goes out of the house.

Here is a ruling by Albani

Is it permissible for women to wear high-heeled shoes?

This is not permissible. It involves resembling the disbelieving women, or the wicked women. It has its origins amongst the Jewish women before Islaam. When one of them wanted to attend a gathering where her lover was present, she would wear a pair of high shoes for him to see her, being taller. Then after a time, those became high-heeled shoes. Further, that type of shoe changes a woman’s way of walking, causing her to tilt from left to right, and therefore, the wicked and unbelievers choose this type of shoe. Therefore, a Muslim woman following the Sharee’ah (Islaamic Law) should not wear high-heeled shoes; especially since many times it causes her to fall!

shaikh albani
Anonymous said…
I like the abaya, it's very nice. That bag is nice too! I really need a new one.
Hmm, maybe sometime you can do a California, or Los Angeles look?
Pixie said…
Jamilah: ever since I heard that hadith about the Prophet S.A.W cursing that Jewish woman's shoes I stay away from any shoes that increase my height:D. Anything with more than kitten heels I avoid or keep for women's only things or my husband (and he just looks at the heels and goes, ahhhhh women that like to suppress themselves:D). I love how heels look though. Alhadmulilah, I am wearing no more four-six inch things anymore though since hearing that hadith. Kitten heels, wedges, and flats, and two inch things, still feel safe to me, if they don't make noise when I walk.
Pixie said…
Jamilah: and jazzakallah kheiran for posting that istilaal. I agree with it, since the hadith is sahih.
Pixie said…
Melissa: Can do. Do you want a california niqabi look or a california abaya girl look?
Anonymous said…
How about a Calfornia abaya girl look? Thank you
Pixie said…
Mellisa: I am on it:D
Anonymous said…
Masha'Allah, great blog sister! I wear a niqab almost all the time here in California. I'm still practicing wearing it, but I choose not to have it any other color but black (not because it would be haram, just because it makes a woman more attractive in some ways). I really do like the outfit, (and i agree with the whole flats thing), but I do believe that it is not right for a muntaqibah to wear such attractive brand-name clothing. I believe it would suit a Muhajjabah more.
And Allah knows best! :)

-Veiled Knight
Anonymous said…
Plus ya habibti, that perfume and makeup are haram in Islam for you to go out with.
Jazaki Allahu Khairan,

-Veiled Knight
Pixie said…
Veiled Knight: Black is a sexy colour. It makes a woman look sexy too. Aisha R.A wore a faded yellow colour, awith women of the Ansaar used blue dyes, and orange and yellow and brown were very commone in Mecca. I disagree that colour makes a woman look sexy. Black can be sexier. I love all the colours. The only shade I avoid is Opera Red because studies have proven that does cuase men to turn and stare at a woman. And none of this is brand clothing... ?
Pixie said…
And Veiled Knight: indeed perfume is wrong to wear any place non-maharam men can smell one. But makeup is not haraam to wear out. Aisha R.A wore eyeliner in front of non-mahram men and many of the male companions were of the opinion that it is "what is apparent of" as it is in the eye rim. And other women of the shaba wore henna on their hands, and the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam did not tell them to cover it with gloves. Actually, he told them to wear it. So such claim is false. It is SAFER not to wear make-up, but it is not haraam to. If the make-up is worn for the purpose of getting attenion from non-maharam men, then the intention is haraam, not the make up. If the make-up has that effect and the sister hasn't that intention but knows of its effect and doesn't change the effect. that at the very most, and ONLY in scholar's opinions (not the Sahaba) it is makruh.