Niqab+Hijab wearing Women of the World doing things prejudiced people dont think we do

Graduating. I know more fully veiled women from the Gulf that are doctors, engineers, fashion designers, politicions, diplomats, and teachers, than I do know of unveiled non-muslim women here in Canada. Think about it.


Yasemin said…
I never realized that wearing a cap over niqaab could be so pretty. She looks so pretty and it's nice to see how it matches her sash. It is amazing, but I too have noticed that more and more it's the niqaabi's who are seeking higher education. May Allah reward them. Love you so very much Pixie.
This picture always brings a smile to my face, mashaAllah =)
Amber said…
That's very interesting. I wonder if it's because the women who choose to wear niqaab are more focused, more determined because they have fewer (worldly) things that they allow themselves to be distracted by. I'm saying this based on the assumption that they would tend to be more religiously minded, and so not running around dating, gossiping, etc. like most teens/twenties are.

And, if maybe it's partially due to a determination to prove that they *can*. That their faith doesn't stop them from achieving what they want.
maryam said…
Amber, I don't think that's it at all. Quite simply, there are more women that veil in the Gulf, and it's a social norm over there. In the West however, and I speak from my own experiences, I know hardly any women in niqab who are highly educated. It has nothing to do with niqab itself, but socioeconomic factors.
Pixie said…
Amber: it is very much so and the fact that in the Gulf hijab does not inhibit. Note all, I meant veil as in khimar, and or niqab, not strictly niqab.

Maryam: Hijab has the ability to produce MORE educated women because women focus on developing their inner selves more than their outer. As you try to put it in an economic point of veiw, maybe in the west niqabis don't pursue education as much (they might pursue Islamic education instead) because what kind of people would empoy them in their niqabs as opposed to in the Gulf? And for you info, I know more highly educated hijabis here in the west than I do non muslim women, for the very reasons Amber touched upon.
Habiba Kaba said…
I love seeing things like this. it Kills me when girls are just doing whatever and letting their brains turn to mush. Or they have a degree, get married and khalas thats it and they never put their degree to use.