Turkish Hijab Styles

The Qu'ran is very specific about how the hijab/khimar (as in the headscarf) should be worn. It says we should pull the headress down so that it covers our jube (chests---the va va voom ladies). If you are not covering your chest with your hijab you are not wearing Islamic hijab. I hate to break it to you but you are wearing Christian hijab. Jewish women were supposed to cover their hair, and the Christian women to cover the hair (their wrap style was often so that the neck and hair were covered but not the chests). I'll do a post on the differences inshaAllah.

I love the bright styles and European aura Turkish hijab styles give, but the one thing I can't stand about them is often the lack of chest coverage in the fashion shots. I can always wrap my turkish hijab to give lots of chest coverage, but I wanted to share this Turkish hijab fashion pic that shows some more than awesome chest coverage. Do you like? Would you wear this style?

And to answer Inspired Muslimah's question in the comment section, I don't think an Al-Amira counts as hijab if it isn't long enough to cover the chest also. I always wear an al-amira under my shaylas to get the coverage I am supposed to have.


Anonymous said…
Salaam alaikum,
I think I would wear that- although maybe not having quite that much hanging down. Personally, I usually like to have my scarf a little more loose than those Turkish styles seem to be.

By the way, I love your blog, masha'Allah, it's very helpful and enjoyable!

Anonymous said…
Love the color of the hijab but for me it is a bit too long. Maybe just bellow the chest is perfect for me.
Anonymous said…
I don't know if my previous post was submitted (bad connection or something), but what do you mean by 'christian hijab'?
Boxie said…
Hahah I'm so one that does not always have my scarf covering my chest, But I do have an over-shirt that overs my chest. I just cut it in half. Pixie... I didn't realize there was an e at the end. Keep up the good work.
I wasn't aware that your hijab had
To cover your chest.I know that your chest has to be covered I just didn't know it had to be covered with your scarf. the al-Mira hijab don't really cover the chest so is it not hijab?
Sarah said…
Why do so many people take such a literalist interpretation of things? It's blindingly obvious that all you need to do is cover the chest - as long as your clothing does the job, then there is no need to have the hijab pulled down on top of that too. Pixie why didn't you state the reasoning behing the ayah?

Women at the time used to wear clothing which was completely open at the front - as in, their chests were completely bare. All the Quran commanded was for this to be covered; it mentions using a khimar to do so; but if you look at the context of the ayah you can easily see that the emphasis is on covering the bare chest, not on the khimar itself. To say that that is what distinguished Muslim hijab from Christian/Jewish is utterly laughable AND insulting. What of the Jewish bedouin women who used to completely veil during Rasulullah's (saw) time? It's bizarre how we Muslims today have such a narrow view of our religion.
Anonymous said…
The scarf style is beautiful, masha Allah. Pixie, sometimes I think you take things too literallly. You're obviously a by-the-book girl :) And thats great. I admire your keeness in your search for greater understanding.

Many scholars use that same Quran quote to prove that modest dressing is compulsory. But I don't think it's correct to say that if your hijab doesnt cover your chest then its not considered hijab. If your shirt that covers your chest is not tight fitting so as to reveal your breast-shape, then surely it won't need the extra cover?

I think its the principle of modest dressing rather than the specific method of dressing that is the proper interpretation of that quote. And this is what I've learned from those more learned than me.

I think that if I was wearing a fitted top that culd possibly show my breast-shape, then I would draw my hijab over my chest. Coz it would require it in order to be Islamically modest.

Keep up the good work!
your writing inspires a lot of good in the world, alhamdulillah
Pixie said…
Boxie: MashaAllah everything about you is soooo sweet and amazing mashaAllah that I feel bad telling you to pull your scarf down LOL.
Pixie said…
Inspired Muslimah: alot of the time it isn't.
Pixie said…
Sarah: you may or may not be aware that that is a historical opinion but not the only historical opinion. I studied historical clothing so I know where that scholar's explaination comes from. Yes, some women did have clothing that left their breasts exposed. Other did not and they still covered their hair but the commandment was to pull the headress to cover the chest, which was something more than Jewish (hair) and Christian (hair and some opinions neck). It was done to be different than the RELIGIOUS commandments given in the Torah and the Bible. That is not narrow minded regardless of what people wear for social status (which was the concept of Jewish veiling in the time period of Sahaba). Anyways, as I am going to state to anonymous below, of course, one may wear clothing that covers the chest AND is loose enough that it doesn't reveal the shape of the chest, and in that case I personally (though not Islamically) would say it is perfectly fine that the hijab is not extended, but in most cases I have seen, unless the woman covers her chest with the khimar, I can still see her curves through those clothes. In most cases the woman does NOT wear loose enough clothing to the job of the khimar being extended. Like a button up shirt. I see women all the time wearing these without the hijab covering their chests. It just doesn't work. It also isn't doing what the Qu'ran asks. LOL I don't take a narrow view. It took me alot of research to come to the conclusions I have reached on the subject. History, costume, fashion, ahadith about dress, and of course the hold Qu'ran. I don't state something lightly. I am not one of those people who seeks to make a halal haraam. The fact is the Qu'ran specified why we were supposed to dress a certain way (to be different than Christianity and Judaism) and was very clear in how we should do so (to pull the khaimr over the chest).

Fatima: LOL I am a by-the-book girl (Qu'ran AND archeology text books:D). I am not saying that there aren't cases when one can't get away without a hijab being fully extended to cover the chest, but I think in most cases, even in modest tunic tops and abayas, I can still see the curves of a woman's breasts unless she is wearing her khimar the way the Qu'ran specifies. It is soooooooo easy to wear one's hijab the way the Qu'ran says, and lots of beautiful styles to do so, and since it is safest and obvious in its explaination, why should we not do it the way the Qu'ran decribes, rather than try to innovate our own means of accomplishing what we "think" the purpose it the ayah was meant to convey?
Anonymous said…
"... Jewish (hair) and Christian (hair and some opinions neck). It was done to be different than the RELIGIOUS commandments given in the Torah and the Bible."

What religious commandments are you referring to?
Pixie said…
Anonymous: I'll do a good post with visuals and quotes from the Torah and Bible, inshaAllah. I am a bit busy this week but maybe on Sunday.
Pixie said…
In the meantime, there is a great guy called Dawahaddict on youtube.com who always gives great quotes of things from the Bible and Torah that are also in Islam. You might be interested in his vids.
Sarah said…
Pixie in that case you should be clear that these are YOUR opinions, not something that is set in stone. You seem to offer your own interpratation a lot here, without stating so. The Quran doesn't say to cover the chest in order to be different from Christians and Jews, that is your conclusion. I could show you plenty of photos of Christians and Jews in khimar and jilbab and you'd never know they weren't Muslim. So what are we to do, bend over backward just to be 'different'?? And of course we all know that the Christian and Jewish scriptures have been tampered with severly so it's perfectly possible that various commandments to do with covering have changed. Again, we can't base our religion on what other people do..
Chica said…
Im not a fan of the turkish hijab... i think it is the satiny type material... and yeah most turlisk hijabs are just like headscarves and do not really do the job.

Most clothes these days are really fitted, even a loose abaya can show off the womans curves and lady lumps so it hink it is better to cover te chest with hijab ... just to be on the safe side!!!
Pixie said…
Sarah: is it or is it not, clear that the Qu'ran states to cover the chest WITH THE headdress? This is not opinion of mine. It is a fact. The reason it was stated (again---because it was also stated to the people of the book) is because women were not covering in the manner they were supposed to, as the people were not worshipping the way that they were supposed to. We have to cover in a certain manner for our salat to be accepted and a certain manner to distinguish us as Muslims (jilbab had a great deal to do with on this subject) and the Qu'ran is more clear and specific than the books that came before, and so, veiling was not corrupted as it had been in the texts of the Christians (which made veiling about women having less status before God than a man), and Jewish (which perhaps did not stress HOW important covering the hair was for salat to be accepted). The fact is, with Musa and Isa, the same message (and way of covering for salat-khimar) was revealed to women only it was made VERY specific for the Muslim women.
Pixie said…
Chica: I am on the same boat, lol though stating that definately can rock it sometimes with some sisters LOL.
Anonymous said…
I would wear this particular hijab. and i usually wear my hijab turkish or irani style anyway since that is my family originally. you alway shave great post!!
Boxie said…
There is a good debate going here. Witch is in the true Islamic spirit.
D. said…
Nice to see that Muslims are just as breast obsessed as the West.. what would you say I wonder, to the women in African tribes for whom it's perfectly normal to walk around topless? Do we impose a sexuality on them that is foreign to their society?
Yasemin said…
You never cease to amaze dear. The original intention of hijab was to cover the chest. Or do you feel that the outer garments of a black abaya were what was mentioned? None the less, wearing hijab for me meant not tying it around your neck, but letting it do it's job of protecting the breasts. Less fashionable yes. But it was a good thing. What a great post dear. Love you!
Fatou Thioune said…
at least there is no name calling in the debate or insults lol feels good
Pixie said…
D: I don't believe in forcing women anywhere in the world to wear clothing that represents something that they don't believe in. Khimar and jilbab are for believing Muslim women, and a woman who becomes a Muslim woman no matter what "tribe" "race" or "nation" she is from rejects unislamic principles from her life to embrace the Islamic ones. I hate people who try to force beliefs on me or others. The freedom with Islam is, if Allah S.W.T lifts the seal from your heart, you will see the difference between immodest and modest. In those same African tribes where the breasts aren't considered sexy, generally the legs are. Islam says to cover everything that all cultures find sexy that is practical for one to cover if one believes.
Pixie said…
Boxie: InshaAllah, alahamdulilah. Off to check out your blog.
Pixie said…
Lisa: I think jilbab and khimar were two very different commandments that served similiar purposes (only jilbab did not have to be worn for salat to be valid) those purposed being modesty, and differientiating the Muslims from a corrupted practice.
Pixie said…
I also think overhead abaya (coloured not actually black) is the closest to the jilbab of the women of the Ansaar. I don't wear this garment though, because I believe two seperate peices are permissable, though I know the women of the ansaar wore both the jilbab and the khimar. Nowhere does the Qu'ran or the Messenger guide us to say that they two have to be attached.
Pixie said…
I would wear it here though if it didn't attract so much ignorant attention. I intend to in the Gulf, even if it is not "stylish":D While I love fashion and making hijab easy for young Muslimahs and non-muslim families and co-workers to accept, I think the traditional jilbab and niqab is the most beautiful and modest garment out there if also worn modestly. But it isn't modest here, so Have to let it go:D
Pixie said…
Habibti: InshaAllah, may Allah S.W.T keep that our tongues be tied to our minds and our hearts, rather than our guts. Ameen.
Anonymous said…
I have a lot of Turkish hijabs from when we've been in Turkey. It's hard not to buy them, they're sooo pretty, and you can get really nice ones for very cheap, and they're so plentiful!
But. They can be kinda small, they're usually only 35 or 36" square, and if you're not wearing something loose, it's not going to cover the chest area, which is a requirement of hijab is to conceal the shape of our body.
So, I think when wearing them, it's something to take into consideration, is to make sure your chest is covered, either by loose clothing or try to get the scarf to cover it.
I hope I don't sound like I'm repeating myself...
Lately, I haven't been wearing them. I never had this problem before, but they just refuse to stay in place! I get so mad about it....sigh...I have a love/hate thing with them..
Anonymous said…
Boxie: I thought someone was calling someone else a "witch," lol. Whoops :)

I don't feel comfortable unless my scarf covers my chest, the va va voom (hehe) just stands out too much without it. The Qu'ran tells us to draw our khimars over our chests for good reason.
kulthum said…
Personally I would love to be able to wear niqab, but as you said Pixie I already attract much negative attention by being one of the two hijabi women in my city, and I'm the only one who works so I deal with the public daily. The style you show above is nice on the model, but it's not modest enough for me.
Ranya said…
Maybe it's just me, but I find that even a khimar doesn't do the job of covering the curves of my bust...
Boxie said…
hahah sorry for the miss spell people.
Anonymous said…
Just to be clear, Pixie, I didn't say that it was MY opinion that you didnt always have to cover your chest with a scarf if your clothing was loose enough. I did mention that it was the opinion of those more learned than me. ie scholars and that i simply agreed with it.

Pixie said…
Fatima: For me, I don't really go with any scholar who expresses an opinion that none of the Companions had. Alot of modern scholars propose some things quite far away from Islam as was the sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed S.A.W.
Chica said…
So i thought i would share... i wore my hijab in a slightly different way today as it was a fine sunny day here in london... i wrapped it around my head and the dress i wrore was very very loose and modest... so i actually did not feel like i need to cover my lady lumps today... HOWEVER, i was at the train station and the wind bew and you could see EVERYTHING

the from nowhere the weather turned breezy... boy did i struggle... i only ended up going to like one shop and abandoned my shopping trip cos i was too uncomfortable...

So - goes back to my original point... it is just better to cover your chest with you hee-jab ladies, no matter how you choose to interpret the words of the almighty

Yasemin said…
Mashallah Pixie, the beauty of the message is that vision is the art of seeing the invisible as digitalniqabi.wordpress.com humbly writes. I love the message all the more for being somewhat ambiguous. And truly there is nothing more beautiful than the niqaab and matching black garments. Especially when it's set with beautiful, introspective Muslimah eyes. Love you so.
Sara seems to forget that we, the Muslims, are commanded to appear different from the Jews & the Christians.

wa Allahu ta`ala `alum
Basbousa said…
Awwww. Pixie, I miss your posts! When will you post more?
on345667755 said…
woooooow i lurrrve that hijab, needs to be a little looser around the neck. nice to see some boobie coverage for once everything seems to be open or some little piece of fabric that hardy resembles hijab
Well although the front is beautiful it's not loose enough to cover properly. It should extend down around the shoulders to provide a looser cover for the brests. Cause you can clearly see her chest curve (esp in those tight clothes showing of her trunk and her va va voom ;) )

The color is beautiful buit I personally don't agree that she is interpreting hijab correctly to what the Quran and Hadith tell us to. Shoulders are included in hiding the shape of the body. The hijab should fall in a way that covers the shape of the top of the shoulders (from the neck to the outer edge fo the shouder). So hijabs should be fully pulled down not just on the brest but also the entire upper half as a proper Khimar does.

I know it can be annoying at first to get used to something long and getting into everything across your chest but it grows on you. I hated in Lebanon all you can buy are amirah style and short wraps. None cover the chest... ARG! I loved my pakistani wrap that covered tot eh navel wrapped twice!.

And lets talk breastfeeding LOL! There is no way you can hide it all and still feed properly with a squirming babay. But any khimar style will allow perfect feeding coverage in plain sight of men.
I have seen women sitting crosslegged with khimar and you can't even tell there is a baby under there!

So no i wouldn't wear this:
the front is too long, she'll drag it all over the table.
the shoulders are showing.

By the way it is hard even with khimar to hide a large chest and curves even with full abaya khimar combo... Lol those afghanistan burkas though look like well coverage for al shapes though yes they do lack style.