why do i want to go and wear niqab in the west when wearing hijab is hard enough?

One sister politely left this comment: "I am currious... I need to ask you a question: why do you want to wear the niqab? I find it difficult just wearing the hijab and dealing with the ignorant peoples comments about it let alone niqab."

I don't wear niqab right now unless I really really want to, or feel the need to (like if I am wearing too much make up and know, girl, damn you look fine:D). If I am teaching men, or around them in close quarters, I would prefer to wear one because of this part of an ayah from the Qu'ran:

...And when you ask [the Prophet Mohammed's wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allāh or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allāh an enormity.
(Al-Ahzāb 33:53)

Now I know this ayat is specific to the Prophet's wives, may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with them. Their sins were to be twice as heavy as our own, and they were forbidden to marry after their husband's death while we ordinary women are encouraged to if we wish to or are able to. But when the Prophet sallalahu allahi wa salaam came upon a woman who was not his wife (to propose marriage) there was ALREADY A COVER/PARTITION between them. Yes, this sahabiyat became his wife, but at the time she was not, and yet this was already in practice between at least this man, and this woman. The following hadith narrated by Umm Salamah:“When my ‘Iddah (This type of ‘iddah refers to the 4 months and 10 days of mourning that Allah has legislated for a woman after her husband passes away) ended from [the death of] Abi Salamah, Rasūlullah (Sallalllahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam) came and spoke to me and between him and I was a Hijāb, and so he proposed to me…” Note, she said: "there WAS a hijab, not, "I was WEARING a hijab". What we often refer to now as hijab (the headscarf) is known in the Qu'ran specifically as a khimar. "Hijab" is an Islamic term that means "cover" such as a screen, partition, or a veil. THE WHOLE OF A MUSLIM WOMAN's MODESTY (her voice in public, her Islamic clothing, what she says, what she does) is her hijab, her portable covering. If this type of "hijab" were what the hadith were referring to, Umm Salamah would have said: "between us was Hijab", not "a hijab" which in the Arabic, grammatically refers to a specific kind of cover, [a veil, or a partition, or a screen] and not the kind that Um Salamah was wearing. You simply can not get that out of the grammer. Anyways, so maybe the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam simply thought to speak to Umm Salamah (may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala be pleased with her) from another room for propriety's sake, but stealing a comment from Revert Muslimah's post http://revertmuslimah.blogspot.com/2009/02/when-people-ask-me-about-niqab.html "another way to look at this concept would be that if in a woman's home [place of our refuge and saftety says Allah] they have [should have] a barrier or veil between her and a man why would she abandon that form of modesty when she left the home?"

That is why I have always believed the niqab is mustahaab (beneficial/you get reward for wearing it) since Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala Himself has informed us in Al-Ahzāb 33:53: "That is purer for your hearts and their hearts" . If the Prophet's wives (may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with them) and the Sahabiyiat had less fitnah in their hearts then I do and the people who surround me, then why shouldn't I wish for an oppurtunity to have my heart be purer? Until very recently though, I never considered that niqab might be wajib only that is was mustahaab.

The issue of niqab and ihram is in fact one of the big controversies, and a problem for those who say that niqab is fard. Yahya related to me from Malik from Hisham ibn Urwa that Fatima bint al-Mundhir (Radhiallaahu anha) said, "We used to veil our faces when we were in Ihram in the company of Asma bint Abi Bakr As-Siddiq (Radhiallaahu anha). "This again proves that not only the wives of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) wore the Niqaab and that even though in Ihram women are not supposed to wear Niqaab but if men are there they still have to cover the face. [Imaam Malik's MUWATTA Book 20 Hadith # 20.5.16] It is very clear that the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam said that a woman in ihram must not wear either a niqab or gloves. Nobody has ever given a convincing explanation of why in the world the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam said this in the first place if it were fard to cover the face. This is especially true because the obligatory duties of the hajj must be done in public, and in general there are very large crowds around. If a woman is supposed to cover her face anyway around non-mahram men, she really has to cover it at all times on the hajj and that is just the same as wearing niqab. Instead, the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam has clearly commanded that a woman should have an uncovered face in public while in ihram; that's the only thing that makes sense. As for Asma (may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with her), it appears that she followed the course of Ummahat al-Muminin (may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with them). That she did so does not prove that doing so is fard, merely that it is halal. Same perhaps might have been, with Um Salamah. Since there are some very clear sahih hadiths about women having their faces uncovered and the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam not telling them this was something wrong, I thought both options were perfectly acceptable, with Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala explaining in Surah Al-Ahzāb 33:53 that a covering/partition/veil was best, that had always made niqab mustahaab to me, but not fard. Though some scholars have written that the fact that women (and some of them not wives of the Prophet Mohammed) covered their faces with their garments even in a state of religious pilgrimage shows that it was an obligation, since it over-rode even what the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam said. The women were obediant to the command that they not wear face veils or gloves, and yet they covered their faces with their hajj garb. Obviously, scholars conclude, the commandment of Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala for the screen/partition in Surah Al-Ahzāb 33:53 was stronger than the condition of hajj that one was not to veil, so obviously, they conclude, that it had to be fard, since the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam never corrected this action.

There also was a hadith about the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam sitting behind a screen and women on the other side of it, asking him questions about Islam, but I can't find it now. I knew it was sahih though, since I had asked a reliable Sheikh at the time. Until recently I hadn't thought of it, but a partition/screen was used in the home since jilbab was only fard when going out from one's home. In all my readings, I have found that a woman must wear modest clothing acceptable for salat within her home and jilbab when leaving the safety of her home. But within her home, modest clothing good enough to meet the needs of salat was sufficient EVEN if she had non maharam guests. The reason being, I just realized quite recently, was the use of the partition/screen. When at a friend's house whose knowledgeable husband imparted some knowledge on us reverts on the subject of fiqh, he spoke from behind the screen of another room (so that we would be more comfortable and be able to loosen our clothing and not wear niqab in the stifling apartment in the height of summer) and ask of him things as we wished with no awkwardness. In this case, there was a "hijab" between us. When there was no physical hijab/cover between us, we wore our full jilbabs, and niqabs also, if that made us more comfortable.

I have always believed jilbab to be fard since it is a commandment in the Qu'ran that was never relieved of us in any of the hadith, and from studying the vast array of ahadith on the subject of a woman's dress, and the ayah in the Qu'ran making it permissable for older women with no hope of marriage to remove some of their clothing if they don't reveal their nakedness, I have concluded like all of the scholars did unanimously, that the jilbab is an overgarment that is worn over a woman's other clothing, modest enough for salat or otherwise. O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their Jalābīb all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Al-Ahzāb 33:59). The only way I have ever feasibly seen that niqab could be fard is if the niqab (facial covering) were somehow part of the jilbab known to the sahabiat. Some of the scholars are of this opinion and it is a valid one, but one I had always been unsure of how they arrived at it. Jilbab was indeed known to the first Muslims before the permission to wear the modern khimar, because when the ayah was revealed to wear the khimar, the women of the Ansaar cut their jilbabs and fashioned khimars from them, and wore the khimar in addition to their overgarment when they went out. Which is where permission comes to wear the jilbab, khimar, and niqab and socks as seperates peices arrives from, from the scholars, I'd imagine, but how did the scholars conclude that the Sahabiyat's knowledge of jalabib included a face covering?
It was narrated that ‘Aasim al-Ahwal said: We used to enter upon Hafsah bint Sirīn who had put her Jilbāb thus and covered her face with it, and we would say to her: May Allah have mercy on you. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And as for women past childbearing who do not expect wedlock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment” [al-Noor 24:60]. And she would say to us: What comes after that (of the āyah)? We would say: “But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them”. And so she said: [Referring to, 'But to refrain is better for them'], “It is to keep the Jilbāb.” [Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, 7/93. It is Authentic] Thank you Revert Muslimah, and I'll quote you again sister Jamilah: "this hadith shows that Hafsah Bint Sirin, who was an older woman and a sahabiat, used to use her jilbab to cover her face. This is proof that the jilbab was worn as a complete body cover. It also shows how a woman of her age does not need to cover like that but it is best for her to continue to do so."

My family hates niqab (and some of them will stop talking to me if I wear it) and alot of Muslims in my life aren't okay with niqab in the West (but they are like, you HAVE TO wear it in Saudi though---and some of them are even at ridiculously strict as to say, "in Saudi no eyes showing there either") but I have always believed it was mustahaab, and if something is good for you, you should do it no matter where in the world you live. Doing the right thing is always more important than worrying about what people think about what you are doing. On the day of judgement, will they be the ones questioning me? No. Besides, I think it will help me concentrate more on achieving Jannah, and forget about silly things in this dunya. When I realized what my khimar meant to me, I gave up drinking and bad influence friends and started pursuing living my deen, not just knowing it was the straight path, but walking that path. If something as simple as a purple pashmina was a tool for my reform, then I imagine niqab will be even greater.

Yes, I faced great struggles when I started to wear hijab and pray five times a day. I was kicked out of my home with a back-pack of clothes and tray of silverware with my father driving behind me the whole way through town yelling insults at me (and I was always my Daddy's little girl). I had lost my mother defending him since he was the one who taught me to stand up for the right thing in the first place, and always speak the truth, even if it gets you killed. He had given up my mother, his wife, for the truth, and following his own example, his daughter (me) was willing to give up my father for my Islam. Alhamdulilah he's come around, and ventured cautiously back into my life, throwing a cutting jab here and there, but still I love him, but I'll give him up again for my Islam, Allah, may both my parents and me be sacrificed for You. I don't doubt my own blood father who loves me will leave my life again if I start to wear niqab. But will I not pray nafl prayer simply because it is not required because people won't like me if I do? Will I not wear niqab (which may be a true obligation and certainly was said to be a purification for our hearts) simply for the insults of a stranger in the street? Indeed, I have been spit on, sexually molested, and violently assaulted, had my hijab ripped off and NONE of this hurt as much as my father telling me I am a different person who is forcing my religion on him because I am wearing a piece of cloth on my head that I used to wear around my neck, and once he told me it was pretty. The disbelievers will always hate us, no matter how little of our religion we practice, because we (mankind) always hate the worst in others, a condition that is in ourselves.

The disbelievers hate the believers because even the worst Muslim knows that Islam is the truth. The disbelievers too know that Islam is the truth. They see that when they harass a Muslim woman and she still loves her hijab, when a hypocrite Muslim apostates by mocking a niqabi sister. They are called the disbelievers because they know the truth, but ARE TOO weak to become a testament to that truth. No matter how little of my religion I practice, they will hate me, because I know that Islam is the truth, and Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala uses me and all the Muslims brave and strong enough to acknowledge the truth, speak the truth, be the truth, to love the truth, so that they might acknowledge their own failings, and turn to Him (the One, the Only, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful), testifying that truth. Why should I not do a good thing that I am capable of? I have enough knowledge, and wit, and control of my temper to explain if harassed, and I can defend myself. I have no fear of this dunya, though I have love for some men and women and things in it. What happens to me is as My Lord and Creator Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wills. My father left me once over a piece of fabric, and Allah restored him to me. My father could leave me again, but no worse thing could happen to me, and Allah might again restore to me what I sacrificed for His sake of grant me better. A few little insults don't hurt me. I just think of Sumaiyah, and the sister of Umar who he had slapped in the face, learning she was a Muslim. And Asma, the little girl whose earring Abu Jahl knocked out, beating her to try and find out where the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam had fled. THESE are the women I want to be like. Muslim women are brave women, because they follow the example of the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam. Mohammed sallalhu alahi wa salaam never left off on an aspect of this mundane life that was pleasing to his Lord. I know I am not as good as him, but he was just a man of flesh and blood. Why should I strive any less? Being less of person in the eyes of Allah, and having less of a start, should I not strive harder?

I know some "Muslims" will even call me an "extremist" but do I want to emulate them, or Sumaiyah, and Umm Salamah, and the Prophet's wives, may Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala be pleased with them? When I think of the disbeliever's disaproval I could care less, but when I think of the believers, I think of this scholars response to a question about a woman's husband not allowing her to wear niqab and of the person who mocks the woman who wears what she believes proper Islamic hijab:

It is not permissible for a girl to obey her father or mother or husband by not covering the face if she is convinced that it is obligatory, because there is no obedience to any living being if it involves disobedience towards the Creator.

And it is not permissible for the father or husband to order his daughter or his wife to uncover her face, even if he/they thinks[think] that niqaab is mustahabb, because she is enjoined to do what she knows and is convinced of, and she will be questioned about that, not about the convictions of her father or her husband or their opinion. If she does not wear niqaab and she believes it is mustahaab or wajib then she is disobeying her Lord, so what benefit will she have from obeying her father or husband in that case?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no obedience if it involves disobedience towards Allaah; obedience is only in that which is right and proper.” Narrated by (al-Bukhaari (7257) and Muslim (1840).

Those that would seek to mock you and your hijab (be it khimar only or niqab): rejection of both types, and one making fun of them, is apostasy from Islam, because even though covering the face is not obligatory according to some scholars, they are unanimously agreed that it is prescribed in Islam and that it is part of the religion of Allah, so denying it and making fun of it is kufr which puts one beyond the pale of Islam. Those who mock the niqab especially, mock the mothers of the believers who wore it, and thus mock the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam himself. If this is the case with someone who believes themselves a Muslim, then that person should be told that he/she is doing something which implies that he/she is an apostate, and that he/she must repent and come back to his/her religion. If he/she meets his Lord in this state, he/she will not be meeting Him as a Muslim. What you must do – after advising the one who has mocked the Islamic hijab– is shun his or her company and beware of this person, unless this person has a sufficient level of knowledge to repel his/her kufr. His or her companions should beware of his evil, and upholding ties of kinship with him or her is not obligatory, rather it is not permissible to initiate the greeting of salaam with this person. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And when they hear Al‑Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk), they withdraw from it and say: ‘To us our deeds, and to you your deeds. Peace be to you. We seek not (the way of) the ignorant’” [al-Qasas 28:55].

Done is that scholar's dialogue on the subject. For a little bit of extra information, the only correct greeting for those who use Al-Laghw is "As-salamu ala manit-taba'al huda..." (Peace be upon those who follows the right path)...We do not greet non-believers first with As-salamu 'alaikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu... http://o0ummhasan0o.blogspot.com/2009/04/salaam-to-salaam.html but if they do greet us first wishing any ills upon us then we are to reply with "wa alaikom" and "upon you".

I do believe niqab will be beneficial to me, so inshaAllah soon I will wear it and shuffle aside the things that have been stopping me. Make dua for me, that Allah will make it easy for me. All things are possible with Him, subhanAllah. I mean after all, I was one of those whose used to mock niqabis and hijabis (may Allah forgive me, for I was ignorant and astray) until I met a Muslim woman who used to blog by way of the username Palestine who told me that she loved her hijab, and taught me that Allah loves beauty as much as He does modesty, and loves to see the signs of His favour on His servants. Maybe one woman out there as ignorant as me, will come up to me in my pink niqab, and blast me some stupid comment about me being suppressed, and my words or my actions as guided by the book of Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala and the Sahabiyat, who followed it, will be the key that unlocks the seal that keeps her in her jaliliya. I don't want to see another human being out there continuing as lost as I was. Islam is soooo peaceful and pure and has all the energy that I need. One girl rocking her abayas and long tiered skirts in Oman was used as a tool by Allah to make me realize that Islam was easy. And then I heard the adhan for the first time, and Allah (subhanAllah) lifted that seal, and it was like whoa! This is the truth. Now what?

Sister, I am sorry for the long and winding answer. But I am still seeking for myself.

Wait for the sister in niqab in the middle of the vid to speak (she's my fave:D)


Fatou Thioune said…
oh and the girl in the picture is too cute i love it the eyes showing only and stuff. and the colour too. thanks God its not black lol
A said…
May Allah (swt) ease your transition period and make you love what He loves!

I love all your informative post, bloggers like yourself make me think and re-evaluate my understanding of modesty and other teachings of Islam. May Allah (swt) rewarded you for your efforts and may He also keep guiding us (all) to the straight path, ameen <3
great post mashaAllah!!

as a niqaabi i know it is really hard sometimes. but when i think back, even when i wasnt wearing anything and people just knowing i was muslim was sometimes enough to make me want to melt because i could see the stereotypes bubbling in their eyes when they glared at me. but the non muslims will never be pleased with us, we know this and Allah has told us this in the Quran subhanAllah. you just gotta stay focused on the goal, and remind yourself it is for Allah inshaAllah
Samerah said…

again my best blogger around
Amina said…
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for pouring YOUR heart into the topic of niqab and explaining to me its meaning.

I am also somewhat upset by your post being that you stated that you were sexually molested because of your head covering. This is highly upseting to me. I wonder where do you live that somebody had done something this gruesome? Did you ever follow up with the law in regards to this, and other instances.

Finally, I pray that Allah swta give you the strength and the right timing to proudly display your niqab on your face. Amin.
Pixie said…
Amina: There was a man who was a neo-nazi (he had voiced how upset he was that Princess Dianna had dated Dodi Al Fayed) who grabbed at my chest from under my hijab the second time he ran into me on the street. Previous to this incident he had stalked Aalia and I in the mall, taking our photographs. I know I sound like a drama queen but I did pursue legal action, and had a restraining order put on the fool. Unfortunately for him, when he grabbed me on the street, he did it in plain site of my non-muslim Dad and sister as the three of us were on our way out for breakfast. I finally had the witnesses needed to get the restraining order. I know people get all up on why in Shariah two women witnesses are needed to one woman, but I needed two women AND one man to get some good old Western justice delivered. I only told my habibi after the fact because I didn't want him to go hunting for the racist jerk, who also seemed upset at me that my kids would be black. Um, for all he knew my husband could have been a white convert like myself.

The time I was violently assaulted was actually the worst. I was walking home from work in my hometown and a car drove by once saying "take off the f******* and and I'll come f*** you!" and these were the idiots I knew in highschool that beat up the gay kids. I wasn't watching good enough a second time, and they drove by and grabbed my scarf off as they were driving and I hit my head on the pavement from the force of being dragged. I just have opted never to work in my hometown again, and stay in the city. Actually, it is not the not most racist place but those guys are creeps and also beat up the only Jewish girl in town. They tried with the only black kid (but he was from a rough patch of Jamaica and that didn't go too well for them). Ironically me, the artiste/figure skater/nominally popular girl, was friends with all the people the "hicks" / "racists" hated. Yet they still tried to date me, and beat up one of my guy friends in parking lot. They also tried to light the house of a guy friend of mine on fire on halloween. Alhamdulilah my dad was there, and he scared off the whole mob of them while they threw fireworks at him, with a stick. "if outnumbered," my dad's advice, "act crazy and go for the ringleader because if you knock him out usually the mob of p**** cowards will run off". He was right. Thank fully, with my long record of run ins with these guys, I managed to get some quick action from the RCMP. Unfortunately because of that same long history, it couldn't be tied to "prejudice" rather a "violent history against said victim". Phfffffff.

Amina: jazzakallahkheiran and ameen for your kind dua.InshaAllah.
Pixie said…
Habibti: I'm so sorry about your Mum saying something like that. It hurts so bad when it comes from those you love. If my sister had also been against me, I don't know what I'd have done. Alhamdulilah.
Pixie said…
Ayan: ameen to your dua. Everyday I am learning something new in Islam. And the more I learn the most I realize I know nothing. Love your blog btw.
Pixie said…
Lazeena: EXACTLY, and one of the benefits of niqab is that they can't see if they've hurt me with their cruel words or stares. They don't know that I was once as ignorant as them.
Pixie said…
Samerah: um blushing. Jazzakallah kheiran. I am not a good with compliments person so I am bad at this, forgive:D
OMG Francis and his dumb camera :/ What a lamer!!
Jamilah said…
giant hugs to you... you are brave and knowledgeable and a good example to us all...
Pixie said…
Aalia: `Prince William` aka Francis. Yes. I am scared to go to the laundry mat because of him.
Rasa said…
sister, may Allah give you strength and make your way easier. Indeed, i cried and could not finish reading your post... It has brought my own memories, I know only too well what it feels like. I had to leave my own country and in order to pursue Islam and make my own jihad - try to be best I can in Islam. Take care, and always remember, you are not alone. Allah is taking care of us and his protection is greater then all the armies!
Boxie said…
another long read, After you left today some drunk guys said derka derka and other things to the 3 saudi sisters and I, I did not know they where drink when I when to them saying "hay I'm canadian too" witch one replayed "so what I'm canadian too, Derka derka" I was so pissed 4 people in one day! Oh make that 5 I forgot to count the guy who figured it out why women where niqab.
Anonymous said…
assalam aleykom wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,
I felt so sorry ukhti Pixie reading abt your experience with neo-nazis and other creeps. When I come across some hatred acts I just console myself remembering that they will answer for their deeds in front of Allah ta ala. It always helps me.
You were very right to get restraining order.

I'm considering wearing niqab 3 months during my summer holidays, as I'm going to spend it inshaAllah with my husband, who is abroad. But does it makes sense if i know that i'll take it off afterwards?

May Allah ta ala make the transition easy for You and reward You with Jannah inshaAllah. Ameen

fe amenellah,
Aisha from Poland
Al-Muhajabah said…
AOA Pixie,

I felt very sad reading the fact that you guys and girls out in europe and canada and america having such tough time just cuz you want to practice your religion. Sometimes i wonder where is the "independence" in the west that we hear of all the time. Where are the human rights? How can a creep scare a girl in the middle of the street just because she is wearing hijab?

May Allah give you courage and make you strong enough. your learning in islam are a gr8 benefit to all of us.

take care
Majda said…
Do you know where you can get colorful abayaat and colored niqabs? I've been searching forever!
Maryam said…
I love that pic of the niqabi.

I think the black niqabs are nice, but there are so many beautiful color niqabis!
I know this niqab post is an old one but I just wanted to say I dream of wearing niqab! I would LOVE to wear niqab and I'd wear it every second I stepped out of the house. Such nobility, privacy, dignity... but if I tried that here it'd be like you dealing with the hicks and racists in your home town. It would never work. I own a niqab and sometimes I put it on while I'm in the house and I feel like, "This is the way it's supposed to be for women!"

I envy the women that have the freedom to wear niqab.
Madi said…
I am sorry that you have been so sorely mistreated because of what you choose to wear. It makes sense in a desert country to wear flowing garments that can either be cold or warm, and cover you from the sun! I don't understand why people don't just let others wear what they choose. I hate the Turkish and French laws as much as I hate the Saudi and Iranian ones. I hate that international and religious battleground are so often womens' bodies. Baah!
Anyway. Not all non-Muslims hate Muslims or Islam. I don't believe that Islam is THE one true path, but that it is A true path. I wish you better encounters with kinder people in the future.
stepforddreams said…
Thank you for such an informative post, your blog is so interesting. I just wrote a post on my blog about Sarkozy and his recent comment about the burkha in France so all of this is very interesting to me. Thank you. xCarolyn
Grace said…
Please read this comment, because it goes to the heart of the problem with Islam in the West.

This is quoted from your post:

"there is no obedience to any living being if it involves disobedience towards the Creator."

If you really believe that the above statement is true, in my opinion it makes you a very dangerous person in a Western democracy.

If you believe that you must obey your Creator above other human beings, you should go to live in a country where the laws and customs of the country reflect the rules of the Creator as you see them (i.e. a country which has Shariah as its legal code). This would make your life easier and would also make life easier for those around you at present, because they would not have to worry about which "code" you would obey in the event of a conflict.

In a democratic Western country the law is made by HUMAN BEINGS, and you have clearly stated that for you, the laws of the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunnah are more important.

Therefore you cannot be expected to abide by and uphold Western laws. You should have the intellectual honesty to admit this.

When a person is convinced that she is carrying out the orders of God it makes her impervious to the arguments of others. It would therefore be better for everyone if you went to a country in which the people of the country think like you, and all believe they are living according to the laws of Allah.
Izzati said…

I don't wear niqab, I don't think it is compulsory but heyy, I'm proud of my Muslim sisters who have the courage and respect to wear niqab, may Allah bless their efforts.Amin.

Pixie said…
Grace: Okay, he he, just starting to get to your comments. " Bill is a man and therefore wouldn't be wearing niqab! Or do you think it would be helpful if men wore it too? Good-looking men can get by on their looks just as beautiful women can." LOL, well, we women (and men) are supposed to lower our gaze at anything that tempts us, so i guess as a practicing Muslimah I have never found a man's beauty to be so overwhelming I'd want him in niqab, but Taureg men DO veil their mouths because they see flashing their teeth as sexy. That isn't islamic but it is within an Islamic society:p

You wrote this "I've been harassed and felt-up by a Muslim and feel increasingly intimidated by them and their behaviour. If Muslims can't deal with women in Western dress then they shouldn't live in countries where women in Western clothing is the norm. It's dangerous for people like me." and I have to say, um, I couldn't agree more. But I have to tell you his behaviour wasn't Islamic whatsoever. Non-muslim women have rights under Islam, and one of them is not to be hurt, or touched, or even looked at for than recognition purposes beyond a man completeing his job or maybe teaching her about Islam should she inquire about. This man's behavior is sick, and actually has punishment in shariah. I met men like these Oman. They are only Muslim in name. And if you know who he is, I can get him in trouble at his Mosque:p
Pixie said…
Grace: I have to add, i don't think it is extreme to follow the religion to the letter. I think it is honest. Picking and choosing what you want of Shariah, gets you that behaviour of that idiot that harrassed you. Sickens me. I would never attck you. My husband would never attack you. We'd allso not hold up signs that read "Kill Jews" like some of those fools in the U.K.. I find that hateful, and I'd prbably wind up in a shouting match with them.

As for the ttoth-stick thing, that is the last of the last in the order you are suppo9sed to do things, and usually, it is easier to divorce than try and work things out that way, I mean, come on, serriously, if you told me what i was doing wrong, stopped sleeping with me (and you are my husband), and stopped seeing me, wouldn't you just call the whole marriage off if I wans't listening at that point? Islam does give us one final step, but it is not excuse for beating for anyone who can read.
Pixie said…
Grace: "I won’t go into the multiple female witness thing. I think it’s futile. We have different opinions. Suffice it to say that I find it a tremendous insult". : In Makkan society, women had no presence at all. They couldn't be witnesses at all. What they said didn't count. Allowing two prevented one woman from making things up about another woman and all such other cattiness.

"Regarding adultery, do you accept the punishment of stoning if a Sharia court can produce four male Muslim witnesses? I wasn’t sure from your answer. (I don’t understand this – do the witnesses have to actually see the act of sexual intercourse?)" If the court can produce four witnesses (regardless of sex) that visually saw the sexual act (the penis going into the vagina) or the one who committed adultery comes forward with no one having known of the crime and ASKS for the punishment for it, then I do believe it may be carried out, but in the manner that the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam did with the woman of Ghamid---send this person to finish every worldly task they have to do. and give them the option of choosing not to have the punishment ---the only woman stoned by the Prophet for adultery? He gave her the option of not being stoned. she chose to be. A man also once came forward and confessed to a sexual crime under shariah that the punishment for which was stoning... He was turned away, like the woman from Ghamid. I do believe it should be a punishment as it in the sunnah but it should be done in the same way as the sunnah---as a mercy--- and with consideration, and with proof.
Pixie said…
Um, gotta go, my computer's being funny, Will inshaAllah be back:D
Pixie said…
Grace: I'd appreciate if you leave your comments to this post. Cuz to be honest I still believe your intentions are not 100% on the knowledge-gaining string. AND you neglect to listen to all I believe. As I stated, I believe in the sunnah way of dealing with adultery---which is EXACTLY as Jesus (Isa) did. If you study the story of the woman from Ghamid (she is the only woman in trouble for adultery in the prophet Mohammed's day) he sent her away, again, and again, and again, as Jesus did with the female adulteress in front of the Jewish priests who brought her to him. That is the sunnah. But if you will notice, neither Jesus nor Mohammed said the law was to be abolished. There is a compassionate and intelligent way to deal with it. But the punishment itself is not meant to be erased from the legal system. BTW, it still exists in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Jesus did not get rid of it. He just taught us mercy. The Prophet Mohammed with the woman from Ghamid did not eradicate the law, he just followed Isa's example in turning the woman away, and not only once, but many times. THIS IS THE WAY I BELIEVE. Stoning never ceased to be the punishment, but there is chances for redemption and forgiveness in the Shariah and in Christian law, which did not exist in the original Jewish law.
Pixie said…
Grace: I am reposting the comment you made on my Qu'ran versus hadith post here, since it is off subject there, and I responded to it in the point above:

" think it was very honest of you to admit that stoning a person to death for adultery is acceptable to you under strict conditions and with proof, etc. etc. However, I am deeply shocked and honestly worried by that admission. It is frightening to me that a woman raised in a free, prosperous, peaceful Western country could come to believe that burying a human being in the ground to chest height and throwing rocks at his/her head until he/she dies is EVER acceptable. As far as I can see, it demeans and degrades the people who carry it out. I simply cannot imagine how a young Western woman could see herself taking part in such an event.

I am very curious, does the teaching of the Prophet Isa regarding "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" form any part of Muslim philosophy? "They have not condemned you; I shall not condemn you. Go away and don't sin again."

To me, this teaching of Isa shows a truly new way forward for human beings. Stoning is a step backwards, away from civilization."
Pixie said…
Grace: Hi back,:D Okay I am also going to re-post this comment you made on my "Qu'ran-only Versus Ahadith post" because it isn't about the subject of that---it is more on the strain of our dialogue here"

"Hi Pixie,

I'm afraid I am not convinced by your explanation of the multiple female witnesses requirement. I have just left a message on your most recent post in which you mentioned the scholar Bukhari. I read today of his following comment:

Bukhari 1.6.301:

The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."

So, Bukhari says that two female witnesses are required because of deficiency in intelligence. I was wondering how you feel about this?
I wonder how Muslim women feels about this comment?"

Answer as a Muslim woman: Okay, number one, you have to understand, the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu alahi wa salaam never said the two female witnesses was because of a deficiancy in their intelligence. He said the deficiancy is from their inability to pray and fast as much as a man.

So there you go, a reason even clearer from the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam more than mine. The reason two female witnesses are required is because in general women are not able to pray and fast as much as a man.

So onto your next point:
"Also, I don't understand why God would deliberately create women to be deficient in religion. God created women, so God knows that they will have periods. He also knows that prayer and fasting are required of religious believers because he is all-knowing and knew before he revealed the Quran what the rules would be. So, I don't understand, firstly, why periods are considered unclean when they are a natural process created by God, and secondly, why God would create a situation in which Bukhari would tell them they are deficient in their religion.

It doesn't make a great deal of sense to me. "
Pixie said…
My answer as a Muslim woman: For Jewish, Christian (Jesus was Jewish and followed the laws of Moses even when rejecting what the then-modern pristhood dicatated form themselves and not form God), and Muslim women (women of all three faiths) formal salat and fasting is not accepted of us when we are bleeding, or birthing. Anyone with blood on them (man or woman) is considered not clean enough for formal salat. Don't misunderstand, we can still pray in the form of dua (how most Christians pray today) by asking for forgiveness, and blessings. It is just formal salat and fasting that we cannot do during the menstrual period, or while birthing (labour itself until after the placenta comes). It is more a mercy than a punishment, lol. We get to eat for a week during Ramadaan when the men have to fast. We get to sleep in past the monring prayer for a week in the month when men don't. Why don't the men complain that they don't get to do this too? LOL. God still said all women's good deeds and prayers will be accepted with the same weight as a man's. Honest to goodness I don't know why some things are okay for women and not for men, and vice versa. I believe I will understand as I gain more knowledge. I sued to wonder about our clothing and now that I have studied, that is clearer to me. I haven't studied legal representation in Shariah (you might want to consult an Islamic lawyer for an answer to this) but maybe one day I will, lol.

Allah created men and women with different strengths and different abilities men. Men are commanded to pray and fast more than us. And to do so in congregation, while we are given options and breaks. He created men deficiant in some things, and us in others, lol. Like why can we wear gold and silk and men no? Why can men wear perfume and us not in public?

You also asked regarding fasting: "Also, given that it is Ramadan, I was wondering if Muslim surgeons or pilots for example are required to fast? Surely it would pose an immense risk for a surgeon or pilot to execute his/her duties while fasting? Any exemptions apart from children, menstruating or pregnant women, the sick and the elderly?"

ANy medical of health reason. If you need to do you job in order to survive or in order to save someone's life that comes under the sick clause of fasting:P LOL, that is an easier question for me:D

"There are just so many questions I want to ask you; I don't think I'll ever be able to ask them all."

I 'll try and find an Islamic lawyer to ask about the witnesses thing to see if there other ahadith on the matter. And the entire context of the question. As that is usually telling.
Pixie said…
Grace wrote "Also, I am wondering how you feel about secular law? You haven't mentioned it apart from saying that you would bind Sharia on yourself. Do you agree with those Muslims who say that democracy is unIslamic?"

There are some things about democracy that work with Shariah so I don't reject it. But I reject the importance of puting emphasis on races and nations. My concern is for mankind. Every Muslim is a member of my nation. Every non-muslim is a potential member of my nation lol. I beleiev the best qualified for a job should have the job. This is an Islamic principle. In an ideal Islamic situation, people would willingly put forward those who are best qualified to run the caliphate (the most knowledged in religion and dealing with people), the leader of the food supply, the manager of trade, the manager of military, ect.... These should be given to the best qualified. Unfortunately, as you'll see in Iran and Saudi, power (love of the dunya---not Islamic) is seductive, and so sometimes electing these people by the majority (as was done with Abu Bhakr) forced people to show WHY they are best qualified, not just that they have the job and want to keep it. I don't think there is anything unislamic in that.
Grace said…
"Cuz to be honest I still believe your intentions are not 100% on the knowledge-gaining string."

What is it that you think I am trying to do?

"But the punishment itself is not meant to be erased from the legal system. BTW, it still exists in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam."

Er, really not sure where you are getting this from. Fourteen years of Catholic education have taught me otherwise, I'm afraid. Stoning is not mandated as a punishment in Christian theology. The whole point of the New Covenant is that Jesus' sacrifice was accepted by God on behalf of all sinners. FORGIVENESS! That is the central message of Christ. Love one another as I have loved you.

"The reason two female witnesses are required is because in general women are not able to pray and fast as much as a man."

So the "cattiness" reason is not true then? Why did you think it was because of "cattiness"?

The reduced prayer and fasting leads women to be less reliable as witnesses because......they are less guided by God, less theologically aware, ... what exactly?

"For Jewish, Christian (Jesus was Jewish and followed the laws of Moses even when rejecting what the then-modern pristhood dicatated form themselves and not form God), and Muslim women (women of all three faiths) formal salat and fasting is not accepted of us when we are bleeding, or birthing. Anyone with blood on them (man or woman) is considered not clean enough for formal salat."

Again, this genuinely is news to me. I have never ever been told that I must not enter a church or fast or anything else when I am menstruating.

"Like why can we wear gold and silk and men no? Why can men wear perfume and us not in public?"

I have no idea. That is a question for Muslims. No such injunctions are made in Christianity, or at least any Christianity I've been exposed to. I thought God would have much more demanding things to deal with than perfume but you learn something new every day.

"I 'll try and find an Islamic lawyer to ask about the witnesses thing to see if there other ahadith on the matter. And the entire context of the question. As that is usually telling."

What is usually telling? Not sure what you mean.

"There are some things about democracy that work with Shariah so I don't reject it."

When I asked about democracy, I meant as it is used to create secular law, not religious law. I was asking bout the separation of mosque and state, essentially. You don't believe in the separation of mosque and state?

"best qualified to run the caliphate"

Could you clarify what you envisage as the caliphate? Like a global caliphate or a Canadian one? Or a pan-Arab or pan-American caliphate?
Pixie said…
Grace: No offense, but your comments are not just knowledge-based questions. Believe me, because I once sought knowledge on the subject myself. Just a personal feeling based on the way you word them. And the fact of the blogs on your following list. I would NEVER, never follow anything in a way that would look like I supported it, if I disagreed with it. That could just be me.

"Er, really not sure where you are getting this from. Fourteen years of Catholic education have taught me otherwise, I'm afraid. Stoning is not mandated as a punishment in Christian theology. The whole point of the New Covenant is that Jesus' sacrifice was accepted by God on behalf of all sinners. FORGIVENESS! That is the central message of Christ. Love one another as I have loved you"

Um, what alot of Christians and Jews forget is what their laws (in their holy books that they CLAIM to follow) read. Polygamy exists in Judaism and Christianity (Islam is the only that put a cap on how many wives one could have---Solomon for example had alot more than four wives). They also both still have stoning. Jesus himself did not forbid stoning. He just practiced mercy, and sending the adulteress away, which the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu alahi wa salaam also did. The Church made up alot of things. At the conference of Nicea they proclaimed Jesus to be divine, which he himself did not. They allowed pork to be eaten, which Jesus himself did not eat of. They made illegal polygamy (which Jesus himself did not), they took away the laws of Moses (which Jesus did not). Whatever the Jewish priesthood teaches, of the Christian church, Jesus and Moses supported the existence of the law on stoning, only, Jesus and Mohammed practiced mercy, and turning the adulterer and adulteress away from such a punishment.

Grace, you wrote, paraphrasing me ``"The reason two female witnesses are required is because in general women are not able to pray and fast as much as a man."

So the "cattiness" reason is not true then? Why did you think it was because of "cattiness"? ``

I said the cattiness was my experience, my reasoning, as I was not familiar with the hadith by al bukhari that you quoted. And I am still unaware of the context of the ahadith. In my experience (once I was accused by one catty sister in my community of tabarruj (a sinful display of one`s self) but there was not a second woman who would step forward to echoe her charge and so it did not stick to me, so in my experience, alhamdulilah for for two female witnesses---four witnesses regardless of sex are often required in Islam to any particular act, especially adultery and theft). So I was speaking from my experiences and why I believe it is necessary to have more than one witness to any crime in Islam (since punishments can be harsh). The lack of fasting and shortage of prayers is the reason the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam gave. His reason. Though I am still unaware of the context. Which generally clarifies what it meant.
Pixie said…
Grace: You wrote on not doing formal salat or fasting when bleeding ``Again, this genuinely is news to me. I have never ever been told that I must not enter a church or fast or anything else when I am menstruating.`` Well, you are not very read up then on the Jewish law (in the old testament of the Bible) then, that Jesus also followed (he never abrogated anything in Moses`s practice--he just rejected the preisthood, as I reject the Christian Church). Like I said, the way you likely pray, with hair uncovered, unwashed hands and feet and face, asking for forgiveness or help or praising God and reciting memorised pslams or praise songs, this you are all able to do, period or not. But fasting and the salat (three times a day for Christians and Jews and five times a day for Muslims) where you wash and put your face on the ground (this IS how Jesus prayed) well, no. This was not accepted of women in their periods (or men during battles with blood on them that they don`t have time to wash off, ect). That is in all our books. As for going into a Church, I don`t really think that matters if you bleed and go into it nowadays, since I`ve never met a Christian that prays with the actions of Jesus three times a day in a Christian church. So if the Chruch is a musalla (prayer place) rather than a Mosque (formal prayer as practiced by the Prophets) then even a Muslim woman who is bleeding can enter a musalla. A Musalla is a place for duas (which is how Christians nowadays pray----they don`t do the obligatory prayers). So every Christian church I have been to is a Musalla, not a Mosque, so it really doesn`t matter if you are washed (as if you`ve just had baptism or having washed your face, feet, hands, and arms) or if you have your period, or if a man is covered in blood. Things you don`t do in a Mosque
Pixie said…
Grace: I 'll try and find an Islamic lawyer to ask about the witnesses thing to see if there other ahadith on the matter. And the entire context of the question. As that is usually telling."

What is usually telling? Not sure what you mean.

"There are some things about democracy that work with Shariah so I don't reject it."

Me: I meant, I don`t know the context of the hadith. That usually gives more details to exactly what is meant. What was going on as the women asked about this---why was the Prophet being impatient with them... When did this happen.... Did some later hadith make this one not count anymore, ect.... Context and chronological order are very important in the study of ahadith before using them to make a istilaal ie fatwa (ruling). The hadith themselves are just daleel (evidence). All the evidence on the subject has to be in before making istilaal.
Pixie said…
Grace: You wrote ``When I asked about democracy, I meant as it is used to create secular law, not religious law. I was asking bout the separation of mosque and state, essentially. You don't believe in the separation of mosque and state?``

In a sense, I do believe in a seperation of Mosque and state, lol, that IS how a functioning Caliphate works. The same person leading the prayer, doesn`t control trade and military and policing ect. But a Caliphate is for Muslims. Its say, charter of rights, would be based on Islamic shariah rights, not the UN charter of rights.

How do I envision a Caliphate... Well right now not as a state. A mental ideal is the best I can hope for right now. The Muslim ummah (population) isn`t educated (myself included) enough to run a physical caliphate. Saudi for example, tries, but is so corrupt as they only practice the punsishment, not the merciful aspect of shariah. It shows a lack of education, even among what we think are our educated ones. So an idealogical caliphate (pan-global idealogical ideal that is---a phsical caliphate is land based) consists of Muslims learning their faith and practicing it among their own peoples (whether their peoples are Muslim or not) as I said, enforcing it on their personal selves. To think of every other Muslim as a citizen of their nation. To gain all knowledge (Islamic and scientific and practical) that might benefit a physical caliphate should there grow to be a Muslim population that could mentally and spiritually support one. I don`t think I`ll live to see one. There isn`t a leader alive in my generation. God only knows. But this is what Muslims should lead their children for. To be ambassadors of this idealogical nation to their own physical nations, to gain knowledge that will benefit the Muslims and the rest of the world, for the true Muslim is supposed to better the lives of his non-muslim neighbors as well. Idealogical is my personal answer. Those that want to have a physical caliphate right now don`t have the learned and willing population, and so they are going to be forcing religion onto other (muslims even). Which violates shariah. It is a bit beyond me to be honest.
Pixie said…
Grace: Since most of the stuff you are asking me isn't specific to this post, I am going to repost everything to do with your general question about something in the post and my response to it here at the bottom, and for everything else you can email me at bm_pixie@hotmail.com . No offense, but I find some of YOUR comments deliberately obtuse, but I think that is because you are failing to see how Islam veiws politics and Christianity and Judaism.
Pixie said…
Grace: so your suggestion is, of course, that I, Canadian by birth, and since the birth of my country, should go to another country? [I have removed the insults I have made and the apologies] The problem is, there is no Islamic country, only Muslim majority countries,(what you call the actually existing Islam).
Saudi Arabia does not follow shariah to the letter. And since it does not it can be brutally unjust.

I do think something God says overrules something my government says, but my government (Canadian) has not asked anything of me that God does not in its existance right now. IF THEY made a law to ban my niqab or ban my right to go to school in jilbab (despite that going on about their right to religious freedom---which shariah does acknowledge---"let there be no compulsion in religion!")... I would disobey, but not by violence. Violence is only allowed in Islam in self-defense. If you plan to kill me, I may make such plans as well. If you hurt me, I may of course defend myself. If you try to take away my rights, I will simply disobey, I won't physically hurt anyone unless they physically try and hurt me. I just want the freedom to practice my religion without forcing belief of my religion on anybody else. I find a woman in niqab (for herself) is less invasive than a Jehovah's Witness at my door, trying to convert me lol. But I have patience for the Jehovah's witness since my society has patience for me praying five times a day even at work, ect.

This niqab issue is about freedom of religious worship, which alot of countries (America, Britain, and Canada) aren't so bad at, making them better than the Quraysh in early Islam (who tried to destroy the Muslims). If no one is trying to destroy us, then alhamdulilah , I am obeying what God says so long as I am still practicing my religion, while living peacefully with these people. Violence unless in self defense, and disrespect, is the opposite of what Islam and shariah teaches. What is worse than your line of thinking, though, I'll admit, is a Muslim with your mindset. Willing to pick and choose what they want of their laws, in order to conform or cast out and away another human being to make THEIR veiw of the world the supreme one. Islam is easy and gentle compared to that, of great patience and endurance.

No offense, you telling me I should go live in a "Shariah-run" country is like me telling an African person not sit on a white's only park bench. It is an attempt at an aprtheid of sorts. If you feel your European culture is lost because some European woman converts to Islam and wants to wear niqab, maybe you should BE more European yourself, rather than try and take away an aspect of her practicing her religion. She undoubtably is still European. She won't let a man tell her a woman's role is to mop the kitchen floor, lol, even if she wears niqab. She'll still enjoy some European media and have pride in European design and historical accomplishments. She'll take the good of her culture, and leave what of it is not good, according to her beliefs and judgement.
Pixie said…
Grace con'td: Grace, you wrote "don't know where or how you got the idea that I think Muslims shouldn't have rights [but you think we should not have the right to wear niqab is we personally choose to?]. I never said that. I said if you think Sharia is the best way to live then go to live in a country that runs on Sharia [can't, there simply isn't one that purely does and Saudi Arabia doesn't just accept refugees like my country does]...You won't believe me, but I have professional Muslim acquaintances all over the world, and none of them are as extreme as you."

Hmmmm, you also calling me "extreme" because I want to wear niqab is prejudiced just as telling someone born of country that has religious freedom etched into existence to go move somewhere else is. I consider "extreme" Muslims ones that disgard the Qu'ran and ahadith in favour of one line of the former, forgetting the rest compulsively. I am not like that. I prefer to follow everything I am able to as described. This does not make me "extreme". When you label people, you are apt to get all kinds of labels back. If "extreme" means following my religion and trying to do every little thing within its guidelines that might make me a better person is "extreme" than your definition of "extreme" is different than the definition of the word in the dictionary. You are using it like an insult. Those Muslim women that you knew, the police officer, the other, ect, did they pray five times a day? Did they refuse to shake hamnds with men? Did they wear jilbab and hijab? Did they give zakat to Muslims? Did they avoid having uneccesary contact with men they had no relation to? These are parts of the religion. Just as niqab is. You cannot discard them just to fit in. Why can a woman not just do her job and not have to worry about how she is dressed, how she charms with her expressions, or how she physically looks?

You wrote "Niqab and burqa are a security risk. There are Muslim stores in the UK that won't allow them because they've been robbed by men in niqab. And if the government banned it, then what? You don't specify what you would do."

Were any of the people that robbed the stores in niqab Muslim women? No. SO don't ban Muslim women from wearing it. Alot of pedophiles use windowless vans. DO we ban ordinary carpenters and tradesmen from using those too, because pedophiles can and have? No, such a blanket statement is ridiculous and infringing upon my rights. A Muslim woman that wears niqab agrees if she is caught stealing her right hand will be chopped off. So she isn't going to steal. I know the U.K. would never do that, but say, if you rob a store in niqab, we'll do the same. You'll get less non-muslim men dressing up in niqab to rob stores I'd bet you.

If they banned niqab I would protest, I would wear niqab anyway, go on a hunger strike. I wouldn't blow things up. I am not very IRA. I would fight anyone that forcibly tried to make me remove it by grabbing me, but other than that you wouldn't see any violence. Is that extreme? I'd do the same in Saudi if they tried to force my little sister (who is not a Muslim) to wear a face veil.

I have a feeling that you don't care what I say. You still don't want me to wear niqab, but it is my freedom to do so, and a part of my religion, and I am not hurting ANYONE by doing so.
Pixie said…
Grace cont'd: If there was an islamic nation, please know, I would migrate to it, but there is not, so where can I go? A corrupt monarchy like KSA? A government where I'd be executed for preaching against the insult to Islam they are committing like Iran? Maybe in Afghanistan I could go there and teach people to read the Qu'ran so they could learn the religion for themselves unlike they ahd the oppurtunity to under the Taliban? I could try it, but I don't speak Pashto. It would take years of learning, but I could do it, I suppose, but my family is here. I can teach Muslims and curious non-muslims about Islam. I cna practice my religion peacefully here, like the early Muslims did in Ansaar, where they coexisted with the Jews and some of the pagans and no-muslims, with no problem (enforcing shariah only upon themselves) until some men in the market tried to forecully remove a woman's Islamic dress and forbid her form working in what is compelled upon her to wear in her religion. So long is that exists here, Muslims can practice among themselves. I admit there are some extremists that give us a bad name, but I guarantee they hate me even more than they hate the non-muslims because I can reveal them from what hypocrites and cowards they are by simply actions and evidence of what they claim to practice.
Pixie said…
Grace cont'd: Grace, you also wrote that you had plenty of Muslim collegues and non of them wore niqab and that you knew no women that wore niqab. Maybe if you did you would be surprised? I don't know. Your comment about convert being "extreme" irked me though, in your words "more so than born Muslims". Um, we take our Islam from the sources. Do you want me to water it down to the point that it is like learning Shakespeare's "taming of the shrew" from watching the movie "Ten Things I hate About You`` A religion should be practiced from its roots. That is scholarly and honest and it does take effort else it become ignorance, and neglecting the roots takes it away from its integrity. If I was to become a Muslim woman who could pick and choose what parts of her faith and which not to, I would be like that so-called Muslim man that felt you up. I`d a. be hypocrite to my faith, and b. a sinner in the eys of God.

You wrote in response to me saying that we are capable of doing jobs without our loks and facial charms being important ``Regarding Bill Clinton and his denial of a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky (you spelled it right), I take your point that niqab means that what is said is more important than how the person looks, but Bill is a man and therefore wouldn't be wearing niqab! Or do you think it would be helpful if men wore it too? Good-looking men can get by on their looks just as beautiful women can.

Also, Bill used not only his face but eye contact (possible in niqab), voice modulation, posture and hand movements to make his emphatic denial. I guess a niqabi could still do this stuff? With a few tears thrown in too? So if a niqabi really wanted to lie, she could still try.``

LOL, well, we women (and men) are supposed to lower our gaze at anything that tempts us, so i guess as a practicing Muslimah I have never found a man's beauty to be so overwhelming I'd want him in niqab, but Taureg men DO veil their mouths because they see flashing their teeth as sexy. That isn't islamic but it is within an Islamic society:p

You wrote this "I've been harassed and felt-up by a Muslim and feel increasingly intimidated by them and their behaviour. If Muslims can't deal with women in Western dress then they shouldn't live in countries where women in Western clothing is the norm. It's dangerous for people like me." and I have to say, um, I couldn't agree more. But I have to tell you his behaviour wasn't Islamic whatsoever. Non-muslim women have rights under Islam, and one of them is not to be hurt, or touched, or even looked at for than recognition purposes beyond a man completeing his job or maybe teaching her about Islam should she inquire about. This man's behavior is sick, and actually has punishment in shariah. I met men like these Oman. They are only Muslim in name. And if you know who he is, I can get him in trouble at his Mosque:p
Unknown said…
Miriam from NYC

Barak Allahu Feeki for all that you have done for this deen. I am personally starting to believe that niqab is wajib and I hope to start wearing it soon inshaAllah. I just wanted to share this quote with you because I feel like it speaks volumes in regard to this topic, and many others.

Mâlik ibn Dînâr (rahimahullâh) said, “Whoever proposed to the world, then the world would not be satisfied until he gave up his Deen as dowry.”

May Allah swt protect us from being distracted by the glitter of the dunyah. Ameen
Anonymous said…
Hello Pixie. I know this is kind of an old blog, but I just, well, I guess I need someone to talk to. I read your blog and I just broke down. I was raised episcopalian, and while I have never doubted that there is God, I could just never fathom that He was there for me. My whole life has been one abandonment after another, my father left when I was small and pretty much ignores me, my mother is an emotionally unstable alchoholic who uses me for a sparring partner, my step-dad who was the only person I ever really got close to died when I was 11 and I was very badly hurt when I was 6 by someone I trusted. A couple of years ago I met someone I thought I was in love with but then he just left one day without saying a word, and when he felt like it he would contact me just to make sure I was still devoted to him. I thought about killing myself so many times I can't even tell you. But everytime it happened I would just get on my knees and beg for God to hold me, and he always did. I can barely type this I am crying so hard. But 5 months ago I met the most wonderful man in the world. He was born in Turkey and we have the most amazing conversations about religion and God. In March he asked me to enter into Muttah with him. I was looking up requirements for Islam so I wouldn't do anything to humiliate him in front of his friends or something like that, and I just kept reading and reading and it made sense. It just made sense. The words were like jewels in my mouth. That's the closest I can come to explaining, but it doesn't even begin to cover it. I've been reading more and more and I want to revert. I've been so lost for so long, I just want to live my life for God. I started wearing the hijab, but i was too afriad to tell him it wasn't for him it was for me. For the first time in my life i felt safe and clean and at peace. But then my mother attacked him over it. she spewed so much abuse he almost left me, but then he felt so bad about it he spent the whole night holding me while i cried. he decided i shouldn't wear it anymore and i was too weak to explain that it wasn't for him. i know you don't want to kknow all this but i need help. i'm afraid to tell him that i want ot revert becuase i'm scared he'll think i'm only doing it because he wants me to. but i WILL NOT live a lie anymore. please, i just need someone to talk to, but if you don't want to I'll more than understand. my name is anna, btw, please don't post this if you don't want to contact me. thank you and may God bless you and your husband.
Pixie said…
Asalaam alaykom Anna, please do contact me. I apologize for take soooooooo long to reply. I have very little internet you see.
Please just leave your email in the comments box and I will not publish it. And I will email you.

My advice would be tell the man: I have studied Islam on my own and maybe I began to do this only so I would not embarrass you but Allah lifts the seal on people's hearts when He wills with different tools, and may Allah bless you for having been that tool for me. But in what I have gained from my studies I have come to feel that islam is the truth, and that Allah gives me the one only true and lasting peace I have ever known, so this knowledge will be with me even should something happen to both of us to seperate us. I want to become a Muslim and I want to share this with you, because you are very important to me, but it is not because of you, but Allah's mercy that He sent you to help me. I want you to be the first to know so you can share the peace and happiness with me because I love you and respect you, but I do it for love of Allah, who has loved me always, and no other. Will you help me make my shahada?"

That way he knows it is for you alone you are asking, not him, but does not feel you are giding it from him. Also, after this, tell him, I was afariad you might think it a joke, that i am doing it for you, but I am doing it for myself, and thought to do so alone, but I respect you too much to hide my happiness in this from you.
Loola said…
Assalamu alaykum.
Pixie, I just discovered your site and there is so much to talk about. I have been bouncing from one link to another to see what you have to say and I can't help but agree with everything. JazakiAllah khayr for being so clear and firm about what proper hijab is and means. Your clarity is so refreshing and hard to find. Why can't all our sisters understand this? Allah yahdina wa yahdihin. I am an American Muslimah living in a neighboring country (to Oman). I see a lot of sisters wearing good hijab here, but also too many who are getting caught up in the changing times and loosing their Islamic values. Keep up the good work.
Your sister,
Anonymous said…
Assalam alaikum dear sister pixie, what a battling match with that annoying woman who as you said definitely has some undecover agenda, which is from the Shaytaan to 'make us all 'see the deficiencies in Islam and create doubts in our minds so that we can turn to the true message of 'God' Jesus Christ....blablalbla well she is being totally desilusional and poor her doesn't know or understand that when you have tested the sweetness of Eeman you can never turn back especially to the darkness that was Jahilliya full of faulse deities an empty shallow life!!!Muslim women are Mujahidas and would die for their religion as Soumeya may ALLAH be pleased with her, did the first martyr of Islam. Now for the last post of this lady who wanted to convert and was involved with a man from Turkey, I am very alarmed as she said he wanted to performed a'Muttah' marriage and subhanaALLAH I know it's late but I hope by all means that she has been saved from this as it is HARAM in Islam and that means he is a deviant Sh'ia raffida and I pray to ALLAH that she will revert to the true message of ALLAH the true path of ISLAM not some distorted deviated religion, MU@TTAH is forbidden and he only want to use her and is maybe already married or already has the intention of going back to his country after his studies...evil man that could send an already fragile lady over the edge, may ALLAH protect her from this and guide her to the straight path ameen.....

Umm Shaheed
Somaiyah said…
Assalamo alaykom wa Rahmatollahi wa Barakatoh,

MashaAllah I must say I like this topic and also the two topics about Christian and Jewish hijab which I read. I have been wearing the niqab in Sweden since inshaAllah almost four months now and I love it. It's a challenge because many people disagree and they show their hate towards it openly by comments, pointing and whispering. But alhamdolillah I know the reward is bigger than to care about their belief and opinion, and also we have to remember that as Muslim women we don't stare at every man and woman we pass by. So if we continue looking in front of us where we are walking, only dealing with ourselves, we will notice that we forget totally about the people around us. The challenge I find in Sweden with wearing the niqab is that many people want to forbid us from studying at university, inshaAllah that will never be forbidden, and it is very difficult to find a job. Also many people judge you directly, which they in fact do already just if they see you wearing a normal hijab, but I have experienced many good things by wearing the niqab too. Practising Muslim men are more respectful towards me, and some non-Muslims have been brave coming up to me and asking me questions about the niqab and Islam. So don't see only the challenges and the hardness, but see the reward and goodness coming from it. May Allah s.w.t. reward you for this homepage and also guide us all to become better Muslims with stronger imaan, ameen.
Aina said…
Asalamualaikum wbt. MasyaAllah sister, you are very eloquent and your words brought tears to my eyes. I pray that InsyaAllah I will be able to explain Islam to non-Muslims as well as you do and with patience :) There are too many angry Muslims defending Islam on the net, and while their passion is understandable (I'm angry too if someone insults Islam!), it doesn't bode well with da'wah. Jazakallahuhair and please keep writing!