Cultural Hijab is Just a Scarf

P.S All, I had to remove the second pic because I didn't know it was copy-righted. Sorry Yas, I didn't know it was copy-righted. I didn't read the sidebar because generally when I visit, I am going, when I saw the site, called Hijabs-High, I saw very little hijab, and just a little scarf. If it was called "Scarf-Style" I wouldn't be in a virtual tizzy:D

The intentions of the site are sweet, to share hijab style with the rest of us, and many of the styles inspire, even if they are not Islamic, but they also confuse, if one labels them "hijab". If hijab to one is just a scarf then it is actually called "khimar" but hijab is much more than just a khimar. And khimar has to cover certain parts of the body including the chest or it just isn't Islamic khimar. When I was a new Muslim, I thought alot of things were okay to wear that are not, simply because Muslimahs wore them. Islamic hijab is allowed to be stylish, but it still has to follow what the Qu'ran and the Prophet Mohammed sallalahu allahi wa salaam said about it.

Here is the pic I had posted, skinny jeans, and boots and skirt, are not hijab---no ifs or ands about it). You can wear these things under your hijab, but not as hijab. I am tempted to take a picture of it, because the girl's style is REALLY REALLY cute, but the bottom half of her body is Islamically clothed-but-naked. (I TOTALLY wore this sort of outfit out before I converted to Islam). And If I took a picture of a picture, it isn't copyrighted. The face of the Mona Lisa is everywhere even though the postcard is owned by the Musuem for a reason. But, too much effort. If the girl was only wearing a skirt or even wide leg trousers I wouldn't even bring it up. But I wanted to because she is so close and yet so far. My Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala accept her intentions.

Anonymous, I don't post anonymous comments since I require anonymous users to read the comment box before commenting and it says that there:D On these posts I am not picking on the girls. I am aware, many girls might wear hijab (a scarf---not actually hijab) to please someone other than Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala: their family, men, or their country. That is wrong because then, as I said, it is just a scarf, and not a hijab at all, if it is not worn for the sake of Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala, in the way precribed by Him, sometimes explained by His messenger. Also, I acknowledge, that maybe the girl's don't have the proper knowledge. Nowadays we are bombarded by so many faux-fatwas that correct hijab can be difficult for the person that does not use the sunnah for guidance. I and many others are posting this online, that skirts with tights and knee length boots do not constitute anything accepted by Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala because it does not meet the requirement of modest, loose fitting, opaque clothing, that show nothing but the face and hands, and in one madhab, the feet. This is from the authentic sunnah. Read this post for the daleel

Again, cultural (or fashion for the sake of fashion rather than fashion for the sake of Islam) is just a scarf.


Amina said…
If you cant perform salaat in it, it is not a proper cover.
Yas said…
Pixie: Please remove the second Hijabs High photo - it's copyrighted and no one has permission to use the images, had you read the copyright notice.
UmmAfnaan said…
Assalamu alaikum,

Yap sis! True say. That sight is sooo common back home where I am from. The girl is half naked, but God forbid she let her hair show! :s

When will we stop making a mockery out of hijab I wonder?
A said…
Sadly the 1st reminds me of many Somali females in my city who think & dress this way. Heck, I've pretty much seen everything from tshirt to leggings/tights! May Allah swt guide them amin.
Majda said…
Hijab+Short Sleeves=ANGRY MAJDA D:<
Ok, silly question: What is Hishma??
Hmmm. This makes me think again about my modest bathing suit... I've been feelng that it's actually not as modest as I originally thought. I'll have to post the pic on my blog. (it's public for now) I'm kind of torn.
Anonymous said…
The second one maybe she thinks she's wearing hijab, but the first one, yikes! The worst part is that her cleavage is...RIGHT THERE! For all the men to admire and drool over.
Anonymous said…
Totally...I see this stuff a LOT where I live because we have a lot of refugees and others who to them wearing a scarf is just cultural not religious or even modesty related.
Pixie said…
Anonymous: I edited the post and posted a response to your obvious and erred-Islamically opinion. But I do want to add, I saw the original photograph and the woman was sitting with men around, so you can't say she intended to cover her body when they arrived. I'm sure she had an honroable intention, and inshaAllah Allah knows what I know not, but He does know too, that is incorrect hijab.
Pixie said…
Yas: Salaam alaykom ramatullah wa barakto. Alot of sisters have posted pics from your site on their blogs, and two of them I asked never asked your permission. Perhaps it is simply because I wrote that a style you featured is not hijab?
Pixie said…
Coffee Catholic: Hishma is a cute Saudi word for "modest/proper dressing"
Yas said…
Pixie: Why do you jump to such accusatory assumptions? The blog isn't even mine to begin with, but taking photos without permission when the owner has clearly stated they are copyrighted is not only illegal, it's unislamic. Had I seen other places these photos were posted (without even a link to the original) I would have also said something.
Pixie said…
Yas: I am not accusatory---I believe you accussed me of acting unislamically first. Sorry if I sound that way it is not my intention. I wanted to explain, that I did not see the copy right or would not have taken the image. I do image searches. I just copy and paste the image. I do not read the whole site and I will not start to, sorry (but I will remove the pics if someone mentions something). I often do not wish to, if I do not feel the site is beneficial to me Islamically, go go through it extensively. I totally had no intention to steal an image. I don't take pictures off of people's private sites, ever. And I don't know who owns the site, so I figured, if you were mentioning it, you would probably have something to do with the public website site, policing MY actions, LOL, as you seem to want to. I didn't link back originally since I was discussing the misrepresentation of hijab on the site. Now I have had to, until I find a similiar image. I DO appreciate that you pointed out it was copy-righted, but I do not appreciate your tone in your first comment very much, though I am sure, in real life, you have a much sweeter voice,as people have often misunderstood my tone through the blog. It is not unislamic though to warn when something compromises as commandment from Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala, and I only do so because I love my sisters, ya know? Yet, you said it was unislamic for me to do so. Jazzakallah kheiran for the warning about the copy-right, but don't go all "islamically wrong". Stealing would be, but image copyright is a complex legal issue on the internet, and the images actually should be copyrighted themselves to make it obvious to people doing image searches. As I have said, to everyone and anyone, I will remove the picture if you can prove it is of you and you don't want it up on the net, OR if you have a legal copyright to it. If the copyright isn't obvious it may end up posted all over the internet before I get a chance to remove it, so be careful before you go puting anything you want to have 100% control of on the internet. Jazzakallah kheiran for the information on the copyright and khalas on the accusations of "theif!".
A said…
Pixie gave a valid question. If those pictures are copyrighted why have I seen it at the hijabblog? It is still up there without it being asked to be removed. So in that case as long as she links back to the original page as the other blogger did then I see no harm in it.

As sisters we should guide each other to the truth. I'm afraid that 'hijab high' site promotes the wrong concept of hijab. There are the occasional times wear only a handful of sisters are covered according to the Quran and Sunnah. Amina summed it up well, "if you cant perform salaat in it, it is not a proper cover."
Anonymous said…
For one on the basis of copyright there are options that can be used in posting.

1. The copywrite issues may be posted by others if the author has been acknowledged and credited. Look at a school paper, if a student references something from a book or uses a picture, they have to use in most cases APA or similar citation giving credit where credit is due. If it is from a website, then their has to be a link posting back to the original reference with the author acknowledged.

If it is for education use, this would be covered under the FAIR USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS which is a federal law.

If it has been taken unknowing from a search engine that has not linked it back to the original owner. Then that should be stated in the photo until the copyrighted owner steps up and claims the copyright, then credit can be given or the image can be removed.

On the Islamic Principle; when dealing with another muslim, be it over a dispute or not. One it should be conducted away from the public for others to see. Second, there is a way to speak to our brothers and sisters even in conflict that does not cut them down and still keeps the respect that should be given even in the matter of a conflict.

A good rule of thumb in this would be that we must remember that when we are dealing with another muslim if it's verbal or through typed words, those actions are held accountable before Allah(swt) when our judgment comes. Also, the Prophet(PBUH) said to treat all Muslims with respect and to not belittle them or demean them in actions. Sister Yas, understanding that you want to protect your work that is your right, but there must be an understanding just what the copyright 'laws' really work. If Sister pixie didn't know who the copyrighted owner was then you should have just requested that she remove the photo or issue credit where credit is due. Belittling comments such as 'had you read the copyright notice' and your second comment are not an acceptable tone to use with your Sister especially in front of other Muslims.

Respect is above all a priority, because when someone else finds a fault in you, would you wished to be talked or treated the same way? I don't believe any of us could answer that we would want to be treated that way.

Assalamu Alaikum :o)
Anonymous said…
Ayan: I actually had dialogue with the owner of the page from day one, and I got full permission to post those pictures.......

I love the site, and although many looks are not "ready" hijab just yet, you can use much of it as inspiration. I think it's a great initiative, just as I told the blog owner.

Pixie: Not meant as critique to you at all :)
Pixie said…
Hijabblog:D like your new name. I knew you had. I kinda guessed. A few other sisters who I asked hadn't. I won't name them cuz I mean, I don't want to sick the copyright police on them or anything.

I agree, I could get style inspiration from the site as well, but the name is wrong for that as well to me since some people are obviously gonna take that as being literal hijab, and not just hijab as the sad meaning it has become---merely a scarf. And not that site alone. That site just posts pictures, not made up fatwas, so it is the best of "hijab as a scarf" sites. I don't mean to call down the site in anyway. I just think some people are gonna find it confusing because of the name. This site's name is less stressful. ILOVEHISHMA ---Hishma could very well post just scarf dressing because the name doesn't claim it to be anything Islamic, just more modest. But lol, you know me, I LOVE ISLAMIC content. I love reading and history.
A said…
Thanks for the calarification and since that's the case than khayr ...

As for it being inspirational then in some cases, yes. However, I still find the site misleading. The least, whoever is the owner of the site can perhaps do is add a disclaimer and acknowledge that some of those outfits do not constitute as hijab (according to the Quran and Sunnah).
Unknown said…
Assalamualaikum Pixie,
I agree with what you are saying here. So many of us are still confuse or just ignorant about the concept of hijab. Here in Malaysia, wearing clothing like the above pic is common mostly among the youths. Being a Muslim country, Malaysia has become a target for 'Islamic' fashion industry which to my opinion is trying to disregard the concept of hijab. It's not easy to help people understand that they are not covering their aurah properly when they sincerely think that wearing that kind of clothes are already covering the aurah. Some still think that covering the aurah means covering the hair. We still have lots of work here. It's good to see many Muslimah are covering but it's quite sad because the concept is not fully understood and applied. May Allah help us the da'ie and them the mad'u.
Hijabs High said…
Dear Sisters,

As Salaamu Alaikum!

Just a quick note to say thank you for taking down the copyrighted picture. I work in rights management in "my real life" and know the ins and outs of it - and also what a minefield it can be!

May I also ask that if you know of other sites which are using images from Hijabs High in any way, that you encourage them to contact me directly through the blog and not use images without permission.

Thanks so much and hope you've all had a wonderful Jummah :)
Goldeline said…
Salam Pixie,
I totally agree with what you have said, and you know what, when I first starting wearing hijab those sites were SO confusing to me. I would wear long sleeved but tight t-shirts, because that's all that I saw and that was the only way I knew how to dress astaghfirullah. The worst part about the site, in my opinion, is that the author will not post anything but positive comments. I have attempted to post SEVERAL times about how the outfit was pretty but it would be better if the girl covered her neck, or how I liked the shirt but the jeans were too tight (and I have used different names and everything) but not once has my comment been posted. Instead all I see are comments saying how great the sister looks - nowhere is it implied that this is NOT HIJAB. It's a scarf with an outfit. SubhanAllah so many people are misusing the word hijab and just devaluing it. It is just sick astahgifirullah!
henna said…
Amina is right. However I have few questions coming in my mind, Allah tells me to wear loose clothes and cover my hair. my face and hands can be left open. but what do u sisters think about this? are not men getting attracted to face, I know few brothers who have said that even hands and feet of women can attract a man. also eyes are full of expression more than rest of our body, though I am not comfortable wearing naqaab and that too eye covering, what do u sisters think? I feel all Islamic clothing sites are trying to do is to make chic clothing but they are forgetting the eyes are first and strongest source for mute interaction and attraction.Ameen.
KimDonesia said…
Salamu alaikum Pixie. Great blog. Insha'Allah this will clear up the whole Copyright issue.

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

So, I believe you are permitted to use the images as you are using them for criticism. Furthermore, you were using it for non-profit, educational and personal use tips...

Therefore you had every right to take the "copyrighted" image and use it for criticism and education.

I hope you find this helpful for any encounters you may have similar to this one in future!

- KimDonesia