Egyptian Hijab Fashion Magazine Set

I take alot of inspiration from Egyptian scarf aka "hijab" fashion, I just adapt it to a more halal way of wearing it. Like these two looks from an Egyptian Hijab fashion mag, I a. wear way less makeup (pink gloss, blue liner on the eye rims is me---not full out Mimi-blue shadow or Bindis ha ha ha), and b, take inspiration from the colour. I like the bright turquoise scarf layered with silk tasselled navy hijab and pretty pink hijabs, and bronze and baby pink crystal accents.... Sooooooooooo pretty. Seek similiar scarves from online sources or a mall near you. A jilbab to go with

And for some vids on how to wrap hijab with a little bit of neck coverage (on the first vid I pin a third scarf centered on the back of my hair and continue in the Qatari style way of wrapping I already posted to cover my chest) check these out:


Boxie said…
i like how she did the first one, though im way to lazy to try that.