Glasses and Hijab

I always wear sunglasses with my khimar when I go outside. They are my niqab when I am not wearing a niqab. But inside at my work, I cannot veil my face or wear dark tinted glasses (though sometimes I have taken clients and forgotten about the sunglasses perched on the top of my head). I work for a non-muslim bank in the advice/customer service department and I am the only hijabi in my entire work designation and often the only person who can answer questions about Islamic banking. There is no Islamic bank in our province so people have to use non-Islamic banks, including the Islamic charities here. Anyways, I love glasses, and yesturday bought a pair of pink fashion frames from Claires. These I can wear indoors. I love them. I have an important interview with a non-bank related entity (make dua for me---this job is 100% halal and could involve helping people without me being in a war zone getting shot at), since my job is only okay depending on what scholar you ask. Most banks profit off of riba (interest) but in a non-muslim country the lack of no alternative has given us some fatwas of what we can and cannot do with or for these companies. Since I am ale to help Muslims select products that don't earn them riba, or get them into debt, I am morally okay with explaining what I am doing with Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala. But I have made dua for so long because I am not okay with how most big companies profit on riba. But so did the fashion store I used to work for through its investment system. Anyhooooo, please make dua for me that they find a position for me (I can't talk about the job, that's one of the requirements) but this job would let me keep my citizenship, help people, and make hirjah. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! InshaAllah, if it is what Allah wants for me, it is where I will be.


Fatou Thioune said…
as salamu alaykum Incha Allah, you will find the perfect job. if it wont be this one it wont be another one. never despair. just make duas. what do you mean the job would let you keep your citizenship. if you dont have the job, they throw you out?
Stylomom said…
Salam Pixie.. Inshallah, I will keep you in my do'a. Do remember that anything for the love of God and to follow his ways is always rewarded. Inshallah
Anonymous said…
good luck Pixie, I hope you get the job!
Waaaaah!!! Could this possibly mean y'all can't some & work in UAE???

Anonymous said…
Aww, you got fashion glasses, that's so cute, masha'allah!

I'll make dua you get the job, that would be perfect for you! Even if you don't get this one, Allah knows your intentions and knows you're trying to find something more halal.
Pixie said…
Aalia: the job is Abu Dhabi girl.
Pixie said…
Remember, I told ya?!!!!!!!!:D Must have been Aboodi acting up in the background.
Chica said…
oooh i make dua for you sis, inshallah you will get the job.

make dua for me too, i am in a similar situ(ation) xxx
Amina said…
InshAllah may Allah swt give you what is good and right for you. I had an imense trouble getting a job in my hijab. I made duas constantly and God gave me a job THAT I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE but it pays the bills and I just happen to make more than 3x what my husband makes.

How 'bout that for karma? :-0
Unknown said…
All the best Pixie! Insya-Allah one day soon there will be an Islamic banking institution there. When more Muslims demand for an Islamic bank, sooner or later the government would do something about it because Muslims too are their people and consumer. And I think you've done a lot of good for Muslims community there by working at the bank. And maybe it will be be a lot better when you get the new job. May Allah bless you sis.
Amina said…
OK, It is me again. I thought of you while browsing the web page. The reason, you might ask? Almost all of their models are prominently displaying a pari of earings under the hijab.

I know that you can answer a questin that has been perplexing me so for a long time now: is it halal, permissible, or call it whatever for a Muslim, hijab wearing, woman to show her earings while wearing the hijab in public, mosque, where there are mixed sexes? I have seen, and do see all of the time, many sisters wear BIG (ass) earings drooping over their khimars. OHHH how it rubbs me the wrong way.

Personally, I dont wear earings under the hijab because it bothers my ear...they sit in my jewlery box for the most part :-(. I believe that women cannot show their ornaments in the mixed company and better off just not wear any earings, or flashy jewlery in the first place.
Pixie said…
Jazzakllah kheir all for your duas!!!
Pixie said…
Stylomom: you make beautiful abayas, mashaAllah