Pretty Lime Jalibyias on the Sheikhas

Just wish there was a hijab on the oldest Sheikha!:D


Anonymous said…
as salam aleikum,

yes really thats strange that she dont wear hijab, how u know she is sheikha?

mode from the midwest said…
really even the little girls need to be wearing it as a part of training. even more so since they are in the spotlight.
Pixie said…
Mariam: Wa alaykom e salaam ramatullah wa barakto----these are some of the princesses of the Emirates, that's why i know their title:D She isn't an Islamic Shiekha (teacher, scholar) but a ruler.
Pixie said…
mode from the midwest: I totally disagree. Children don't have to wear hijab. It is something they may choose to do, but nothing they have to (it isn't even an obligation from Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala). If your parents teach you what hijab means I doubt any little girl would not want to wear it when her time came to, if she loves Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala. No little girl of mine is going to be "trained" to wear hijab. She is going to undrestand the obligation, but she isn't gonna have anything put upon her. That's purely cultural and not part of Islam. Only the oldest Sheikha should eb wearing hijab, but that is between her and Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala.
Ruqayya said…
Only Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala knows her intentions. You don't the reason she isn't wearing it, so you shouldn't judge her.
Pixie said…
Ruqayya: I am not judging her but I am stating that what she is doing is Islamically incorrect. They are not the same thing. I'd say to her if I met her too, with a smile and a wink and telling her how I love her jalibiyia. I love all my sisters in Islam.
Bint Dxb said…
PIXIE just for ur info ...she wasnt of the age were it was compulsory to wear hijab.......
Anonymous said…
wa aleikum salam wr wb

thanks for the information :)

u are so right, we should love all our sisters and brothers, although thei have mistakes, nobody is complete even not u or me
Pixie said…
Bint Dxb: it is ccompulsory to wear hijab once you've had your period. There isn't a set age. I had mine when I was eight, most girls get theirs at twelve. The latest I have ever known was fifteen.
Bint DXB said…
she wasnt at the age of me i know and this pic is old & she was under the age of puberty