This is my little sister, who is a non-muslim, dressed appropriately to go to the Masjid. Styled by Aalia and I. She is wearing a wide assortment of stuff from our closests, including her own old plain black abaya [that she wore with a blue pashmina when she visited the grande mosque in Oman] that I refurbished into the keffiyah one. I think it is funny that my non-muslim sister who has no interest in Islam whatsoever, has more respect in dress and decorum at the masjid (with the exception of her yawning during the khutbahs) than many sisters who think it is okay to let their kids run wild, disturbing the salat, or wearing clothing or perfume or nail polish that invalidates their salats. Below is a pic of J positively boiling in Oman.
1.) For Friday prayer at the Masjid a woman should preform Ghusl (i.e have a bath of shower). 2.) She should not perfume herself because the woman who wears perfume to the masjid, her salat is not accepted of her until she goes home and washes it off, and then continues her prayer.
3.) She should make sure her breath is fresh smelling since she does not want her breath to offend the angels or others of the ummah congregation. The Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam advised us to refrain from eating food this day that might make our breath smell anything but sweet.
4.) If her masjid is actually a women's side (musalla) not connected to the building of the masjid proper itself, she may attend to listen to the khutbah and since she is not praying, she has no issue with nail polish [this is the ONLY situation when such a thing is halal]. The woman who IS praying cannot wear nail polish because it invalidates her wudu.
5.) She should put on her cleanest, nicest clothes (the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam used to put aside his best garment and only wear it on fridays) and remember and thank Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala who provided those clothes with no effort or might from the person wearing them, praising and thanking Allah.6.) The woman should then put on a clean jilbab that is a good piece of clothing but nothing ostentatious since the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam said no woman should leave her house without wearing this garment and if she does not have one, her sisters in Islam should loan or provide her with one so she may attend. If one is a brand spanking new practicing sister, don't worry about Italicthis, but remind the community to provide you with a jilbab should you have need of one. Her hair, neck, ears, and chest should be covered by her khimar appropriately and she should have no images of living things on her person or her salat will not be accepted.7.) The sister has carefully remembered to put together her appearence so it is pleasing to Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala and her sisters in Islam. Let her not forget to ask for Allah's protection when leaving her home; "In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is no might or power but with Allah."
8.) Since the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam has said it is beneficial for women to attend the Masjid so that they might listen to the khutbah, but best is their salat when they pray at home, let a woman examine her true intentions for going to Jum'a by reciting this du'a (supplication) as she hastens to the Masjid [on time BEFORE THE KHUTBAH, leaving behind anything that will be distracting to others including children that cannot be quiet or herself if she cannot]: "O Allah, place within my heart light, and upon my tongue light, and within my ears light, and within my eyes light, and place behind me light and in front of me light and beneath me light. O Allah, bestow upon me light." The request for light by the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam is a metaphor of seeking wisdom and guidance from the visit to the Masjid.


Amina said…
MashAllah, she is rocking that J. And she looks very pretty doing it. I do have a feeling that your sister may be well on her way of becoming a hijabi. She has this nur emaneting from her face. MashAllah, stunning.

(Please see my comment in regards to niqab. I also want to thank you AGAIN for explaining the benefits and meaning of niqab. I am positive that I will never again look at niqab the same way and all thanks to you.)
Pixie said…
And mashaAllah J you look so beautiful, dignified and cute in hijabs!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
your sister is so pretty maashalh and she looks good in hijab like a syrian.may allah guide her to the right path inshaalh ameen..sister pixie i have a question.before i leave the house a make a clean fresh wudu and i sumtimes put nail polish on afta.i would like to know does this break my wudu even though i put the nail poilish afta wudu? its like i make wudu and then put make up and nail polish so wen i go out and if salaat time is up while im out then i can read.
many thanx
miss sa
Anonymous said…
Very nice post. Your sister is so pretty in the hijab, mashallah.
UmmAfnaan said…
Assalamu alaikum sis,

Your sister looks absolutely beautiful in hijaab. Especially the first photo... And yes she does have this innocent glow about her face.

I pray Allah guides her heart and shows her the beauty of this precious religion of ours. Ameen
Fatou Thioune said…
as salamu alaykum
i just came from a visit to my omani friend. and i told her there is a girl who went to visit Oman and she likeD the Adhan. well, i told her your story briefly. and she got so excited saying can i talk to her? where does she live? i said canada. she said she realy want to talk to you. if you want to too, let me know
Pixie said…
Habibti: if you leave me her email address I will contact here and not publish it:D
Pixie said…
and Habibti, wa alaykom e salaam ramatullah wa barakato.
Pixie said…
Amina: ameen.
Pixie said…
Miss SA: lol everyone in Oman thought she was Saudi:D
Pixie said…
Miss Sa: You are good with that nail polish until you break that wudu (um farting, going to the bathroom) then you have to remove the polish in its entirety, and then make wudu again. Then it'd be okay, but that is a hassle. It is unrealistic to say that you are gonna keep your wudu all day. Unlike wiping water over socks, the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam never okayed wiping water over nailpolish. Hope that's helpful, inshaAllah.
Pixie said…
Melissa: jazzakallah kheiran. I'll tell her.
Pixie said…
Umm Afnaan: please keep her in your duas! Ameen.
Al-Muhajabah said…

MashaAllah your sis looks stunning in Hijab.

May Allah guide her and show her the right path.....
Anonymous said…
"Unlike wiping water over socks, the Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam never okayed wiping water over nailpolish."

I don't understand what you mean by this? Did he Ok water over socks?
Pixie said…
Anonymous: If you have already made wudu, and then put on socks, and the next prayer time comes up, and you have broken your wudu, the Prophet sallalhu allahi wa salaaam did say you could merely wipe over your socks with water. But this could not be done for more than one day. This was an action he did himself.

I mentioned it, because it is the only part of making wudu where it is permissable to wash water over a part of the body that water cannot reach underneath of a garment (sock, dress, nail polish). The hands recieved no such permission for those who wear gloves, thus nail polish is not given the same allowance.
Roshan said…
ahhh, thank you sister for posting such lovely advice. I truely appreciate it. I'm a new revert and haven't attended Jummah yet and I'll be attending my first one very soon. thank you so much {{masha'allah}}
A said…
mashAllah your sister looks so beautiful in abayas! I totally love your style :)
Anonymous said…
Assalamualaikum sis
hey pixie u no i hv a new blog
and ur sistas pics wud be soo gr8 mashallah cuz its hard enuf to find muslimahs who cover properly but a non-muslim hijabi thats superb mashallah

so i'd like to post them on tht blog, but i thought i'd ok it wid u 1st

cuz i memba in ur bm blog u i think posted pics of u or ur sis and sed plz no re-posting....
sooo is it ok by her n u dat i post em??
Celeritas said…
I've got a query regarding "she should have no images of living things on her person or her salat will not be accepted." I avoid items that have such images but my query is about portions of those animals. For example is wearing clothing with a natural animal pattern such as tiger print or the picture of a feather invalidate salat?
Pixie said…
Roshan: MashaAllah. Also, remmber to pray two rakats when you enter the Masjid and then be silent when the khutbah starts or you lose the rward of Jum'a!:D
Pixie said…
Najm-us-Sahar: oooooh I still have to post your icon abaya. Ameen to your dua.
Pixie said…
Ayan: jazzakallah kheir!!!!!!!
Pixie said…
hal: you can but please note underneath the photo not to re-post it with my permission.