So true: this vid is

For those who claim that hijab (an overgarment [that is loose and not see-through] and khimar [a headscarf that covers the hair and the neck and the chest]) is not required of Muslims even though Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala commanded both in the Holy Qu'ran keep this in mind---it is about obeying God, not about following trends among other Muslims or the kafirun. Love you all my sisters for the sake of Allah subhanhu wa ta'ala and sorry sincerly for sounding sooooooooooooo preachy. Ha ha ha. It is hard not to feel all "mommy" on a subject when you've been there, done that. But everyone really does learn best by their own mistakes. But as my husband keeps telling me, the wise man learns from the mistakes of others'. Since I haven't been very good at that, I do want to say, read, read, read exerpts from the Companions, the Prophet Sallalahu alahi wa salaam, and the Qu'ran. May Allah increase all of our knowledge ameen, and give us the strength to apply it in our lives. And sisters don't go judging one another, instead focus on judging yourself, have you made any effort at knowledge? The one who rejects the Qu'ran and the sunnah reject the two greatest intecessors on the day of judgement, and the greatest mercy and guidance from Allah suhanhu wa ta'ala. There is a great punishment for those who have knowledge but do not follow it. Sister Jamila did a very true and humble post on the subject which I've def. gotta apply to myself. LOL, now I'll get back to some fun fashion:D Cuz we all know that's what you come here for jjkn.


Hobbitz said…
Mashallah, this is a great video idea: the debate in oneself. Havent we all had saomething like this when we first started wearing hegab?
A said…
I remember watching this a while back! Great post
Pixie said…
Hobbitz: the girls of ILOVEHISHMA thought so. Sorry, I didn't know how to post it earlier.
Pixie said…
Ayan: jazzakallah kheiran.