I think niqab is mustahaab but I think our girl Boxie just WANTS too look like a ninja-------hiiiiiiiiii yaaaaaaaaa! InshaAllah soon you'll get to see some more of her vivid punky-cute personality hijab style vids. Especially when she shows you her active-girl styles:D I am not really sk8ter chic, and I never went through a Gothic-Lolita phase. I was always very blase-euro with an African sportif and now I am a part-time niqabi working my way to breaking it to family and friends that I might be a full-time one when I come back from the Gulf (I love a very girly glamorous look while Boxie look is all about what she loves).
BTW, Boxie and Megan, I had fun and am sooooooooooo full. InshaAllah we can keep a look out for the bus driver on friday!
Boxie knows what I've been reading and she's my travelling partner for when we go to UAE, Oman, Yemen (inshaAllah) and Morroco, and in UAE she plans to wear niqab too, and since she never deals well with the heat, she's been practicing wearing niqab when we go eat, experiencing what it is like to eat out in it (tonight we went out for thai). AND she's been getting used to the people that think ou lose your hearing when they can't see your face. Like you become an object. First, a man tells us, this is Canada, we don't have to "wear that here". We say, we know, we're Canadians, we choose to wear it, we like it. I mention it is a respectful symbol of my feminity, that I am to be taken as a woman but not judged for that and all the things a woman is supposed to be. Boxie mentions it is way more comfortable than high heel shoes. Fellow says, "but I am sure you two girls are beautiful under there." We say, yes, we are, and that is why we cover. Every woman is beautiful, but the beauty that counts can't be covered by any piece of cloth. The man seems to nod in agreement. "So that way you are judged for your minds and not your bodies." He seems to give us his blessing and dispearses. The woman sitting next to us seems happily surprised.
The next bus ride and more ignorant kind of man seems to say ``Didn`t know it was halloween yet. That isn`t necessary in this country`` and this is the kind of man it isn`t worth talking to because he is talking about you, not to you. But Boxie does. She says, `excuse me, I`m Canadian. This is my country too. I`m French, English, Scotish and Native. I choose this-`` ... The woman behind her says, ``So you are a true Canadian``. Everyone on the bus starts to glare at the prejudiced man. He stammers ``I didn`t know you were ``real muslims``. I though it was some kind of halloween costume.`` He only says that cuz he`s about to get a smack down from a group of people who won`t tolerate his kind of behaviour.
A bunch of women ease drop on our convos. They smile at us, and seem to realize we are not as limited or ignorant as they suppose. We like fashion, we speak Canadian politics, we travel, we understand pop culture references, we like to laugh at ridiculous social behaviors. Some girls ask us where we buy our abayas. They a ren`t Muslims, but they have dated Arabs, and want to learn about Islam. We exchange phone numbers and plan to meet for coffee, inshaAllah.
We run into some Saudi sisters, pray together, then are offered free icecream from a friend of my husband since he owns an icecream shop. I couldn`t eat another bite. I leave. Boxie encounters one more ignorant comment from some drunks that call out `derka burqa`` but she isn`t wearing a niqab anymore. If I was there I might have gone up to them to explain what a khimar is, what a niqab is, what a burqa is, what an abaya is, ect... so at least if they want to mock something, they know what they are mocking. But I have gone home.
Next day, we encounter no ignorance till some group of drunk skater boys tells us to go back to our country. Boxie and I chase after them. We tell them we are Canadian and Boxie`s part Metis-Native American (we leave out the rest of her mixie-ness) so she`s more Canadian than they are. The girl that`s with them tells them they are embarrassing her, and one of the guys tells his friend to stop being so prejudiced. Then the same one that spoke the first time tells us to get our own culture, that we`re white. Well duh. He says Boxie shouldn`t be wearing Keds sneakers. What about all her vinatge Converse I`m wondering. She can probably skateboard better than you... His girl says just what I`m thinking: ``He`s just upset that you`re wearing Keds.`` LOL Can`t a niqabi skateboard... PindZ (aka Boxie) in her 80s pink rimmed sunglasses, black Saudi strong niqab, skinny jeans, punky t-shirt, and too-short abaya over top.
Below is what I`m wearing. Of course, skirt and short sleeves under abaya. I get on my bus and the bus driver asks me where I get my clothes from. This one, I say, is from London. My answer surprises him. I go on, it is common with the Pakistani community there. But I rush to add, I wear clothes from all over the world, as long as they are modest. I say I love bright African prints, black Gulf abaya, and then he asks me about Western clothing. I say I wear Western clothing under my modest clothing most of the time, and that I love designer coats from Jacobs, and long maxi dresses from Guess but that most of the time Western clothes are designed too hot. That loose robes are lighter if you want to wear girl tighter clothes underneath. He asks me if I ever cover my face, and I say yes, if I am wearing too much make up to be modest otherwise, or if I feel safer that way. He asks why I wear make up in the first place and I say that I am going to an all woman`s party where we girls dress the way we like to. I tell him I also like to dress up for my husband, and even to go pray. He asks me where our Mosque is, why men and women are seperate there, why I like a seperation for men and women in the Mosque.... He practically stops the bus to ask me when and if he can come to see the men`s mosque and ask some of the men some questions.
Niqab actually gives me more oppurtunities to speak about Islam. Yes, ignorant people are drawn to those who wear it like a magnent, but aren`t those the people that need the truth the most... Afterall... I was one of those once.
BTW, Boxie and Megan, I had fun and am sooooooooooo full. InshaAllah we can keep a look out for the bus driver on friday!
LOL wearing Keds might look strange with an abaya but who cares as long as you are comfortable. I do agree that niqab gives us more opportunity to talk about Islam and I've experienced it too with the Chinese here.
And I do wear western clothing under my abaya too although I'm living in South East Asia.
OooO i loooved this post!! Brought back memories!!
And what's wrong with wearing skater shoes with an `abaya... remember my Fubu & Phat Farm skate shoes ;-)
Ahh, tell Pindz she needs to help me find a pair of pink Chucks when y'all get here insha'Allah!!
Yes! That is why I love wearing niqab (although I don't wear it full time)! You get such an oprotunity to inform non-Muslims about Islam.
It's sort of odd, but I take a sickening sort of joy in being told to go back to my country- only because I get to tell them I'm part native and the rest of my family came in the 1700s. When people find out my family is from Newfoundland and that I speak with a bit of an accent at times- it's too funny!
You and your friend seem so brave and you seem to do so much to do so much to dispel the negative stereotypes surrounding Muslims and niqabis. May Allah (swt) reward you for all the good you do.
great post! :) i really enjoyed reading this
this was soooo funny!! lol boxie's style and urs is like my style mixed in one!! while i am verrrry girly and pritzy, i have this 'scene' style mixed with it and i think the mix together with hijab is amazing!!
To annony:
Noooo thats not true lol, well in the air port i have seen plenty of niqaabis, with my cousin being one, if u are coming from another country u will have to lift ur veil in customs just for indentification other than that i have had no issue with it in america. and if u feel threatend in an air port just take the niqab off in there and put it back on out side. Also i see alot of women from the gulf say that are scared when they come here... but to me its a big excuse because they take off their niqab, abayas and sometimes the khimar as well, never let ANY man scare u away from what allah subanaa wa ta;ala made obligatory for u!! but over all u have some states in america where its not comman at all, and others (ohio!! where im from) where its more comman in the muslim communities than u think, but if u reaaaallly want to wear in it the states go to philly!!! mashaallah so many where it there, even non muslim women!
having those kinds of experiences seems like a total dream to me... cant imagine experiencing this kind of stuff... in lodon everyone is so miserable... and they darent make comments which i would then address and they darent ask questions either if they were interested!
oh well, maybe my experiences are still to come as i am still a newbie hijabi so maybe ...
Now, what got me interested is the post of Chica. I cant stop wondering now how are Muslim women treated in England? Never been there with a hijab so I am currious to know.
I have traveled with my hijab to many places. Recently I have been to Maine (I was visiting a friend of mine who lives in Bangor) where people were extremlly polite. They just did not know what to make of me. I find it interesting that when people see that I am Caucasian they cant really figure out the hijab on my head. MANY, and I mean many, think that I am a Jewish woman. When I am not in the mood to discuss, I simply nod my head in agreement and keep it moving. I am sooo bad :-)
ninjas are awesome!
Obviously you do get the odd ignorant person who would purposely but subtly sit on a seat far away from you, who retend they dont see you and fail to hold a door open but he... i used to get that even before i covered my hair, what with simply being brown and all LOL.
but yeah london is pretty tolerant and i used to want to move away and live in an 'islamic' country if one still exists but since i strated to wear hijab, i realised how wonderful london actually is.
its great and so easiy to be almost anything here ... and generally you are protected by the laws of the land... (when your not being mistaken for a terrorist and being shot in the head on an empty tube whilst minding your own bi'ness that is...!) oter than that ur fine!
Yeah. I've had no problem at the airports here in North America. Europe can be a different story. The Netherlands can be harsh on niqabs.
how come we never run into eachother outside the masjid? and where is this wonderful ice cream? i would like to hang out with you two, if u don't mind my little mahram tagging along in his stroller :P
We need to hang out sometime, I would like to hang out with u guys since we're clsoe in age. And where is this ice cream shop? Hope you wouldnt mind my little mahram in a stroller tagging along..!