Hijab is FACT


Anonymous said…
You might also conclude that we should lock up men indoors and give the power (and the keys) exclusively to women. :-)
CareMuslimah said…
Sis!!! Mashallah!!.. thanks for sharing this videoooo :D.. I loved it!!

Wear your headcover and wear it proudly inch'Allah :)
Yasemin said…
Assalaam Alaikum Pixie,

I think that hijab really does make a difference in the western world. Maybe not always in the Middle East, where men pick on you with or without, but in the West it is critical. That's why I'm really proud of you for going above and beyond in wearing niqaab in the West. May Allah make it easy on you! Love you lots.

PS-Those guys facial expressions were so funny.
Pixie said…
You might also conclude that we should lock up men indoors and give the power (and the keys) exclusively to women. :-)

Emma: To be honest, I don't know with your comments, if they are meant to be politely cutting, or if they are completely honestly serrious. I am still upset over your facist-style opinion on the Shabina Begum thing I have to admit, so I may be biased. I cannot take anyone serriously that supports the concept of religious freedom on a case by case basis. It's just kind of a joke to me. You could say with me, I wasn't always wearing hijab (as I wasn't always Muslim) and I know the rules in society, so it should be impossible for me to go to school or work now, LOL. No, I afraid, I just can't take you serriously, because I disagree what I call righteously (you may call it self-righteous---I am okay with that). Sorry, to bring it up again, but I thought I'd warn you, my feelings towards your comments... and then you can correct me if I have somehow taken the hairs on the back of my neck are raised posture when I need not.

Back on topic, I conclude no such thing. I conclude, from wearing hijab, that men focus on more than my body and I do get more respect (as I have more respect for myself). Men should focus on working on their hijabs, and I keep focus on mine. From experience, I already know hijab is fact. It effects women too, if men uncover more than they should, or don't lower their gaze. A guy smoulderingly checking a girl out causes her to forget maybe something important going on around her too.
Pixie said…
CareMuslimah: thank Milda!
Pixie said…
Milda: jazzakallah kheiran for sharing this video with us.
Pixie said…
Lisa: wa alaykom e salaam ramatullah wa barakto

I haven't started wearing niqab yet. I own a few, but I am going to start wearing niqab when we are in the airport leaving for the Gulf, and then I won't take it off in fron of any non-maharam men. Make dua for me. InshaAllah.
Al-Muhajabah said…
Assalam u alaikum Pixie and all,

I haven't yet seen the video cuz i am just going ot start a hectic day. will watch it later in the day.

Just want to wish you best of luck in wearing niqab and I want you and all readers to make dua for me also. I want to wear niqab badly and dont find courage in me although i can see hundred women wearing niqab arround me on the road.

anyways best of luck
Fe Aman Allah
salam :) yupp! that is why Allah ordered us to wear hijab becos he is all-knowing. but sometimes i too get irritated when those who nvr wear hjab o refuse to wear, they just giving excuse that oh, it is not compulsory and bla bla bla... its like thay want to go against Allah. right sis:) they are acting BIG
Nora said…
This video has been floating around youtube for quite some time and I viewed a while ago. You're comment that somehow this proves a required of hijab is a bit of a non sequitor. Unless the study included a segment of a woman in hijab giving the news report, you can't argue that hijab automatically negates men not listening to women.
I love how they point out that hijab comes from GOD not man! I'll have to remember that one.
Pixie said…
Oum Amir: I can personally attest from going from Western clothes to proper jilbab and khimar, men retain more of what I am saying:D This vid just proves that men do focus more on a woman's form than what she's saying.... If you cover the form.... Obviously they'll pay attention to what else it there besides that.
Nora said…

Your response is still anecdotal and your expirience is not enough to claim that video's logical end is that women should practice hijab.

I'm inclined to think that within a western context, where veiling is not the norm, the veil would be more distracting than not. Can I make that statement whole cloth without any studies or evidence? Not really.

And neither should you argue the opposite.
Aida Spin2liux said…
Oh hey, this was actually the second post on my blog! This video is awesome!!!!!!
Aida Spin2liux said…
huh wut i just read the rest of the comments now, awww how sweet! again this video is the best and so true :DDD
Pixie said…
Oum amir: I agrre with BBC's point, not neccesarily the editor of the video. Personal experience and the clear commandments in the Qu'ran are enough for me. I don't need YOUR opinion or anyone elses or even youtube videos. I just thought the BBC vid made a good point.
Aida Spin2liux said…

With all due respect, you are entitled to have your own point of view about this video. This video definitly shows how men react to women more and less covered. For me this is one of the reasons i see hijab so beneficial. And second, what kind of attention do you think hijab brings in the western countries? I personally think most of it definitly isnt sexually loaded, wont you agree?
Anonymous said…
Ah, Pixie! my comment was half tongue in cheek... Actualy, I'm quite conservative in my dress myself you know as I do not want to be a "stumbling block". :-)
This video (and the ideas behind it) presents men as beasts unable to control themselves. Which they are not (is your husband drooling all over the place when he sees a woman?). They are human beings created by God with an intelect, not just a sex. If they really do have a problem of control then they are the one to be controled just like any psychopath.

Plus note we didn't hear the question asked to the men. Maybe they asked them to describe the journalist...

don't be upset with me Pixie ;-) It's not always easy to clearly expose opinions in short comments. :-)
Amber said…
Well, while I might not call it a scientific study or anything, BBC's video does match my experience and those of other women I know who've moved toward dressing more conservatively.

I don't get men catcalling me across a store, or following me out to my car anymore, for which I am thankful. And at work I get a *lot* less, 'I'm sorry, could you repeat that?' as the lawyer/paralegal/etc. forces himself to look away from my breasts. For that matter, I no longer have to fight the urge to go, 'Up here! My face is a little further north!'

Pixie, you made a comment about men needing to cover up to, and how it affects women? My department is entirely made up of women, and we had two *very* good looking men come in one day a few years ago. For the entire 15 minutes that they were there, we accomplished no work! None! We were all staring and giggling and whispering about how 'hot' they were.
Pixie said…
Oum Amir: you might be right that they'll be distracted by different things if one wears hijab, mainly religious identity or assumed ethnicity. But is sure won't be sexuality, if it proper hijab. I'd rather someone note my religion, than how "fine" I look.
Pixie said…
Emma: K, good, I am glad---don't want you to hate me!:D

My husband, for one, is the first to admit, men, while they do have the intellect, will forsake it for physicality, unless they have morals/ethics that supercede that.
Pixie said…
Amber: LOL, yeah, that happens at my work too (not me he he he, alhamdulilah) "Check out that hot lawyer" "Melt----ing" LOL, girls, gotta lower their gaze too.
"I'm inclined to think that within a western context, where veiling is not the norm, the veil would be more distracting than not."

Distract people... oh no, not that!!

I've heard this said about us Christian women wearing head coverings and modest dresses. "You shouldn't wear that because you'll bring attention to yourself." Yeah? So? Big deal. If I dance down the street with a peacock on my head I'll also draw attention to myself. But that will be very different then the attention I draw via modest dress.

Define "distracting." As in, a man panting lustily after us? Or someone's attention being drawn to us out of curiosity? People are naturally curious. That is not automatically a sinful thing. People look. No problem. That's normal.

Who cares if we "distract" someone else. This is a fantastic way to witness modest dress. Maybe some seeds will be sewn and a few people that have been "distracted" by us will be drawn to living hijab. Or maybe they'll decide to dance around with a peacock on their heads...
P.S. When you watch that video and it ends, there's another video in the list, "Why hijab protects women." What an awful video! It shows these two girls in miniskirts etc being assaulted on a subway! Slapped and choked by their neck-scarf... uugh. And no one helps them!
Anonymous said…
Coffee Catholic - I just checked the vid - horrible, isn't it. It's a classic example of the Genovese syndrome

Anyway, I'm a hijabi, and find I get less attention in non Muslim countries, and get hit on much less. In Muslim countries, it makes no difference whether I'm in hijab or not, I still get looks and hit on many times. In non Muslim countries, I don't even get a second glance. I'm always confused as to why it's so.
Unknown said…
hijab is beautifull and obligatory part of muslim wear but im not so sure about that if sb doesnt wear it she becomes sexual object for me cos without wearing hijab its able to look modest and beautifull,of course as we best know with hijab u look modest and stimes even more beautifull than without but how men see u depends on them,i think any man who see beautifull even in hijab can admit she is preety,i think hijab brings more dignity to women,but in hijab woman turns from the less covered beauty to the the covered (but still) beauty!
WhiteOrchid said…
thanks for sharing!

I find the comment by anonymous above, quite true. I guess men in muslim countries are so used to seeing women in hijab that they try to hit on you anyway.
Anonymous said…
The purpose of the hijab is not to not distract men (in the west, it'll distract even birdies), but to ward off unwanted sexual attention. A lady wearing a hijab will never have a guy checking her out. Plus, in Muslim countries, men pick on girls whose hijabs are showy- like the abayas are tight or with a-lines. they don't pick on girls with modest hijabs that cater to the purpose of wearing hijabs in the first place. Hijab is not defined on what colour it should be or how it should look; it should serve the purpose of warding off unwanted ogling.

Anonymous said…
I don't know how to feel about this video, mainly because the two newscasters were giving different information, so the study is compromised by two different factors instead of one, and cultural upbringing plays a major role in how much respect is given to an individual. I've traveled to many parts of the world, and the only place I was ever a victim of catcalls and ogling was in Italy.
By the same token studies came out recently that stated women were more visually stimulated by ero images then men. To the point where the brain fires neurons faster for an image of an attractive man then for images of imminent danger.
But men are not required to cover as much of their body.
I usually find many of your videos truly enlightening, and I've been a reader for quite a while. This one just seemed really edited and biased. :/ I wish you'd put a link to the whole case study..
Aaeesha said…
What I want to know is why, aside from wearing the hijab for religious reasons, we feel that what we wear should be dictated by the prying eyes of men. They should grow up and not be looking in the first place!

White Orchid I think youre right, men will hit on you what ever you're wearing. And in the west there are plenty of women who dress respectfully and get respect for their intelligence despite their sexuality. Men are used to seeing more of women everyday so their appearance is the norm and doesnt (and shouldn't) affect anything they say. Yes there are some men where this is not the case, but thats how the world is sometimes.
Anonymous said…
Why did they not show the female presenter? She may have been sporting very extraordinary dress indeed.

Apart from not obviously "pushing it", I don't think this covering up business works - it's all about your relative position in the hierarchy. If everyone wears headscarves, men will pick on the one which has a loose strand of hair showing. If everyone waers a bikini and you wear a t-shirt, it may be enough for you to be left alone.

Think how many cultures run around half naked the entire day and somehow they don't end up being raped the whole day.

So, I'm afraid each one of us women will have to simply claim the respect from men we deserve. Simples.