Walima Option #2: and the bride wore peaches and creams

This is definately not a pretty set. But who cares! This is for me and not for you, lol, how selfish of me. But you can't do anything but messy when you do Pixie. She's not very neat, but she's always elegant, but not expensive. And she likes her history. That's me. Let me know what you think, even though it won't matter in the slightest, he he he. Because I always do what I think is right and best in the end (so long as I am not stepping on anyone else's feet to do it:P).

Well, making this set today I decided where I want the world's latest walima to be: at my Aunt's house. Today I bought a peachy cotton jalibiyia with a farasha/butterfly cut and the most delicate and elegant and simple embroidery at the sleeves and neckline. The takchita in the collage is nowhere are elegant and simple as my farasha-cut caftan but it was the best I could find to have some shape to it and keep the colour. I also bought a matching hijab. I spent $25.00 CAD in total. My caftan is vintage. I also intend to wear my grandmother's veil and lace cap (on top of the hijab as I'm sure my husband will want to invite some friends of his). To be honest, though I featured shoes, I am thinking of going barefoot. I grew up wearing stilleto shoes every waking moment of the day so much so that now wearing flats hurt my feet, but I wore runners to my prom (non-Muslims era stilletos and prom). I want to feel the warm grass between my toes. It will have to be sunny. This is a walima I can call off in a downpour and and move on to plan C (though I haven't quite formulated that one yet).
We will have few guests, but those that are there will be important. (I don't believe in the big hoopla of having people you don't know and yet not feeding the poor in the same instance). Nada, not me. Well, it will be outside, Muslims and non-muslims, in the sunny orchard we'll set up the tables for eating. My family will grill and barbecue the food. Boxie and I will spend the morning hanging paper lanterns around the badminton court which we'll convert into an area for my non-muslim relatves to dance (I want to see them dance though I won't dance in front of my cousins or my husband's guests). I will have to stipulare and force a strict non-alchohal policy. I am thinking of inviting an alcoholic aquiantance so to have a good excuse that will be good enough for my family. She and I will make bouquets and wreaths from the forest flowers, a wreath for all the guests to wear in their hair (men too---very South-side Saudi). We will have sparklers in the deserts and the wedding cake will be strawberry shortcake (with vanilla icecream on the side). All of the expense will go into the food and lanterns. Guests can play horseshoes or croquet (I suck at both), or walk through the woods. In fact, we'll force all the men to go through a brisk walk through the grounds so the girls can let loose on the dance floor a bit (I have found some crazy non-stringed instrument songs without profance or sexual lyrics we can let loose to). If they would like us to, we will oblige them and do the same.
Later at night we'll all have a bonfire, roast halal marshmellows. Pray Isha together. Then head off for our not-really-honeymoon he he he. Cuz, we've been married for, like over three years already, and there will be no big surprises (inshaAllah right?) and this is the latest walima Evvv-er... But I love my man. Sometimes he drives me insane. And poor him, sometimes I am flat-out crazy. But alhamdulilah that these two people from two "very different" worlds (as people like to keep saying) met eachother. I can't imagine ever living without him so I look to the Qu'ran for what I cannot myself imagine: 36:56 "They and their spouses will be in groves of (cool) shade, reclining on Thrones (of dignity)" 13:23 "Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring: and angels shall enter unto them from every gate (with the salutation)" 52:21 "And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith,- to them shall We join their families: Nor shall We deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of their works: (Yet) is each individual in pledge for his deeds."


Majda said…
I actually like this option better. :)
Tell me when is the date for your walima/you-know-who's possible wedding and I will *beg* M. to get me a ticket!!!

Fatou Thioune said…
i prefer the beach option this one sounds weird to tell you the truth. not weird in the sense of weird like weird. but it sounds complicated
Eloquence said…
I do think the beach option is simpler as well! inshallah it all goes smoothly whichever option you do choose :D and where did u find non-instrumental songs that you can dance to??
Pixie said…
habibti: actually the beach one is more complicated cuz we have to drive back and forth and carry things down paths. At the house everything is right there, plus it is 100 % private (no onlookers). LOL, I just added more details than I did about the beach one. The flowers are at my Aunt's for the bouquets, the base for preparing the food, an area for dancing, private areas for men and women to come and go from...:D It'll be great.
Pixie said…
Eloquence: its really not. This country garden wedding is as simply as it gets, We just have more time for decorating because we don't have to drive anywhere:D
Fatou Thioune said…
assalamu alaykum yeh maybe its because of that the length lolllll but you really gonna be dancin?
Yasemin said…
I love the peaches and cream dress. It has an old world kind of feel. Kind of Parisian. And the brown is SO pretty. I like how it matches his galibiya headpiece.
Pixie said…
Habiti: I will dance if the men go away for an hour or so:D if not, then no.
Fatou Thioune said…
you said you were of the opinion music is prohibited. i know we can dance but without music i think
Pixie said…
Stringed instruments were prohibited:D Not the voice depending or certain drums:D
Pixie said…
I don't think all music is haraam. Only stringed instruments and lyrics that might be profane or blasphemous. The Prophet sallalahu alahi wa salaam listening to acapella singing and duff (a sort of drum).
Fatou Thioune said…
yess acapellass and duffs are the only allowed so are you gonna play duffs? where do you find them? i dont remember ever seein one hiihiihi. do you have acapella songs? which one?
Anonymous said…
Habibti: The Sheikh's daughter here in our community sent me some lovely stringless music nasheeds, and some traditional music from my mother's country is just drums and voices singing. I don't know the names of any of the songs in English but I made a CD.
This sounds sooo exciting, when is this taking place! So this is your walima with your hubby!! Iam so excited for you and it sounds like a lot of fun.
Fatou Thioune said…
send them to me pleaseeeeee
Zohra said…
I've been reading your blog for about a year now. You inspire me :). I especially like your conversations with Mz Anne of Carversville.

So what did you choose in the end, how did it go?