Ange wrote a post on this a long time ago, and I had to too because of some haters, not to name names. Please, people don't. Anyways, some "converts" take it too far. They become a Muslim but not out of true understanding of Islam. They aim to marry only a khaleeji man, or to please some Gulf guy's family instead of marrying a man of understanding and adhearence to the sunnah, and so they dye their blonde hair black [harraam ladies], stick brown contacts in their eyes (to look Arab), draw on cat-eyed kohl, use tanner (or lightening lotions), pluck their eyebrows into Arabic arches [harraam ladies], listen to Arabic music [if containing stringed instruments or certain lyrics harraam ladies] calling their native music "haraam", start only wearing black, eat only arabic food... Get stuck in some damn crappy life with a husband that tells them they have to sit in the backseat of the car because "it's in Islam" and tonnes of other Arab culture things that are miserable because they are not the way of Islam. It is SAD actually. LOL, I know some "sisters" try and accuse me of being an Arab wannabee because I like black abayas. I like green, brown, and pink ones too though. And the fact that I admitted to wearing brown contacts lenses once in a while. It does get me less attention and makes me look more ordinary so sometimes I do it though it has nothing to do with looking Arab. I simply look French---and related to my non-arab family who are all brown-eyed but me. And it a fun thing to try once in a while, like painting your hands with henna. I think it is okay to pick up the halaal things from another culture, but not the ones that go against Islam. You shouldn't have to abandon the good in your culture simply because you aren't Arab when you become a Muslim. FOR THE LAST TIME PEOPLE ARAB DOESN'T EQUAL ISLAM. SAUDI DOESN'T EQUAL CALIPHATE/SHARIAH LAW.
And I totally wanted to add this video posted by Ayan even though it might not tie in because it is so frank about the wannabee and the woman that knows her own history:
And Arab girls? Don't pursue the haraam or the unhealthy (makruh) of the West, thinking it makes you better, more educated, more accepted, modern, and beautiful. It makes you look like vain mindless puppets.
And just because I wear a black abaya doesn't make me an Arab (or as I have been accused, a wannabee Arab). Wearing any Islamic clothing makes me a Muslim. What is this line of thinking? Ange, I hope you don't mind me borrowing your line of thinking in order to rant. Sister S says to me: "You are a wannabee Arab because you copy khaleeji style black abayaat!" Random stranger on the street: "You where abaya. You must be an Arab!" I WANT TO BASH MY HEAD INTO THE WALL AT THIS SORT OR IGNORANCE/STUPIDITY. It is like me saying "You are wearing plaid. You must be a Celt." Or to Sister S, "you are a wannabee Scottish lass."
Or what about this? So you're wearing Chanel? Oh, you must be French. That isn't what it is, and you know it. So I cry ignorance. Let's all wear hijab, the hijab of the Qu'ran, any way that we can manage, anyway that we like (so long as we know what it is comprised of and why we wear it based on the sunnah). Let's all study to know what makes a Muslim. It is certainly not his nation, or her ancestry. You cannot claim the mercy of Allah with borders and skintones.
Or what about this? So you're wearing Chanel? Oh, you must be French. That isn't what it is, and you know it. So I cry ignorance. Let's all wear hijab, the hijab of the Qu'ran, any way that we can manage, anyway that we like (so long as we know what it is comprised of and why we wear it based on the sunnah). Let's all study to know what makes a Muslim. It is certainly not his nation, or her ancestry. You cannot claim the mercy of Allah with borders and skintones.
great post lol even though i know nothin of this problem lol
Very true!!!!! Wearing anything we like which comes under hijab rules doesn't mean that we are following some culture blindly or are wanabees..........
I second you on this 100%. Black Abaya looks very glam and anybody has a right to like it and wear it as she likes it.
take care
I've also been called a wannabe Arab just because I wear black abayas, it's ridiculous!
I would never dye my platinum blonde hair black, I'm Scandinavian and that's it.
Good reminder, alhamdulillah!! BTW there is a hadith by Rasool-ul-Allah (sallalahu `alayhi wa salam) that says, Take the good out of culture but leave the bad.
I think that's pretty self-explanatory!!
arab does'nt equal islam (most ppl misunderstand this point).
Some arabs are so proud of their heritage thinking that they own the religion or something.Some ppl just do not seem to realise that it is stupid to take credit for something u have no control over(like ur skin colour or ur looks).
but yeah lets just emphasise this point....
islam is not limited to certain ethnicity, and ppl who think we wear abayeh to be like them should seriiusly go get a life cos the world does not revolve ard them!
luv this post
anyway, I havent really run into too many women like this but I'm sure they exist.
fyi that chicka w/ the nose job is actually Iranian, but yup...even in Iran this IS RAMPENT! Everyone wants to be Western and many many urbanites try to get nose jobs so they have "western noses" and not the big ol' Persian bini. LOL
Damn even being Somali people would still assume I'm either Arab (ie from Sudan) or trying to be one. Especially, when I wear abaya or all black :(
Sometimes comments don't post right so I always copy my comments made on other blogs to make sure I have a record of them so i don't have to re-type the long ones. Hope that's helpful.