Hey, asalaam alaykom everyone, inshaAllah I`ll start covering more on ILOVEHISHMA ASAP but I`ve been busy with arranging marriages (yes, lol, I play the coy matchmaker and so does my husband), planning my own overly belated walima, and just hanging out with my girls and fam. . But check out this eye candy for now http://bridesmaidsguide.blogspot.com/ . LOL, it is mine, and please do enjoy. I know alot of you missed the BrideWearsHijab blog so it is back by popular demand. ILOVEHISHMA will still contain the best of everything, inshaAllah. And D, lol, I did get your email, I just haven`t had time to respond to it. Love you lots miss KSA! You too Taya and Aalia and B.
thank you, thank you , thank you. I loved the BrideWearsHijab blog and was so dissappointed when it was no longer public (I got afew good ideas from it for events/parties), so jazakh'Allah-khairun for this.