Bridal Blog Focussed on Modesty

Hey, asalaam alaykom everyone, inshaAllah I`ll start covering more on ILOVEHISHMA ASAP but I`ve been busy with arranging marriages (yes, lol, I play the coy matchmaker and so does my husband), planning my own overly belated walima, and just hanging out with my girls and fam. . But check out this eye candy for now . LOL, it is mine, and please do enjoy. I know alot of you missed the BrideWearsHijab blog so it is back by popular demand. ILOVEHISHMA will still contain the best of everything, inshaAllah. And D, lol, I did get your email, I just haven`t had time to respond to it. Love you lots miss KSA! You too Taya and Aalia and B.


This is one future marriage I cannot wait to know more about inshaa'Allah <3
Anonymous said…
Mashaallah!! This is nice, lol i love that u play match maker maybe you could find my husband!! lol since men seem to be so limited in the state im in lol. Jazakaallahu khair tho for the modest bride blog!! Salaamualaikum -Memo
thank you, thank you , thank you. I loved the BrideWearsHijab blog and was so dissappointed when it was no longer public (I got afew good ideas from it for events/parties), so jazakh'Allah-khairun for this.
Yasemin said…
Awe...another fun blog! I'm so excited and thanks for sending us over. The photos are amazing. Love you and I'll add it to my links!