Wow that is amazing. I kept thinking why would you need such heavy coat, I guess since Texas is very hot. I especially love the brown, and it would look pretty with the brown niqab uni look as well. Love you!
I have several capes! I love them but some end up being really dorky by the time I get them in real life LOL!! One is solid wool and goes to my ankles but the wool is so thick that I feel like I'm walking around in a box. It doesn't flow... It's 100% weather proof and totally modest but I must tread carefully or I knock old ladies over and wipe out supermarket displays.
Personally I have to wonder about these statistics. What's the point of writing something like this? We have enough tension between "black" and "white" in America but then we need to have black people painted even WORSE?? "Oh well, black people are evil criminals so let's hate them more!" **Sigh** This is why I dropped out of "Criminal Justice" in college ~ even at university there was a total bias against African-Americans in America. I was basically being trained to view every "black" person as a criminal.
Personally, I don't believe in statistics anyway. They can be falsified so much!
Ya know, Pixie, seeing as how I brought up racism issues on your FASHION blog, I can't help but share something with you that's really freaky:
Ok, we all know that racism goes in every direction. I've experienced it for being white ~ although I'm actually multi-racial myself. But usually it's one distinct race being nasty to another race...
Anyhoo, I live somewhere that is pretty much 99% white. You'd think that having an entire archipelago to ourselves, we white folks would get along, right?
Nope. Racism is rampant here between the same race!! There is hatred of English, American... etc... It's mind boggling!! I can't believe it! I've heard totally respectable people say racist trash against other white people, like the English or us Americans. Uh...
But it's worse towards "other races" ~ a man from India, who was living and working here, was shot in the head, execution style, (in broad daylight at a resturant!!) by a racist teenager!!!!!
I keep hoping that this place will have some diversity some day, as in people of different races moving up here ~ Asians, Africans, Indians, Arabs... that way things can **mellow out** and people can get a grip. You know, "There's a whole world out there and THIS place is NOT the center of the universe! So get over yourselves."
But even without "other races" to hate, there's plenty of white-on-white hate to go around.
I hate racism. It's so pointless. We all come from God. We're all brothers and sisters in God. Why the superioriy complexes?!
Amina said…
P, I did see such a coat at a very affordable price but for the life of me I cannot remember where I seen it. In any case, I did contemplate on purchasing it myself however its not like one has their hands all streched out in this coat so that people can see what a nice coat it is. I think it looks rather bulky therefore I gave up.
"African Americans make up 13% of our population but are responsible for 42% of all violent crimes and over half of the murders in the United States."
"Death of the West" pg. 68
Personally I have to wonder about these statistics. What's the point of writing something like this? We have enough tension between "black" and "white" in America but then we need to have black people painted even WORSE?? "Oh well, black people are evil criminals so let's hate them more!" **Sigh** This is why I dropped out of "Criminal Justice" in college ~ even at university there was a total bias against African-Americans in America. I was basically being trained to view every "black" person as a criminal.
Personally, I don't believe in statistics anyway. They can be falsified so much!
Ok, we all know that racism goes in every direction. I've experienced it for being white ~ although I'm actually multi-racial myself. But usually it's one distinct race being nasty to another race...
Anyhoo, I live somewhere that is pretty much 99% white. You'd think that having an entire archipelago to ourselves, we white folks would get along, right?
Nope. Racism is rampant here between the same race!! There is hatred of English, American... etc... It's mind boggling!! I can't believe it! I've heard totally respectable people say racist trash against other white people, like the English or us Americans. Uh...
But it's worse towards "other races" ~ a man from India, who was living and working here, was shot in the head, execution style, (in broad daylight at a resturant!!) by a racist teenager!!!!!
I keep hoping that this place will have some diversity some day, as in people of different races moving up here ~ Asians, Africans, Indians, Arabs... that way things can **mellow out** and people can get a grip. You know, "There's a whole world out there and THIS place is NOT the center of the universe! So get over yourselves."
But even without "other races" to hate, there's plenty of white-on-white hate to go around.
I hate racism. It's so pointless. We all come from God. We're all brothers and sisters in God. Why the superioriy complexes?!