I love these two from SunnahStyle.com. Sunnahstyle is a company I trust the quality and shipping from myself here in Canada.
1.)Black silky-shiny abaya http://www.sunnahstyle.com/product_info.php?pName=black-elegance-silk-abaya for $49.99 USD.
2.) Gold Embroidered Bisht-style Abaya http://www.sunnahstyle.com/product_info.php?pName=desert-sands-bisht-abaya&cName=abayas-all-abayas for $54.99 USD.
Is there a way i can follow your blog? i dont see the button, i loveeeee this blog and i just made my own (im amoorah from ouradvicetoothewomen) and i want who ever views my blog to stop here too!
At the top of blogger there should be a blue header when you are veiwing anyone's blog. It has a follow blog option and you just click on it. And then it will ask you to log into your blogger iD, and it will let you follow ILOVEHISHMA. Hope that helps, inshaAllah!
Sr. Jeanna
I have the desert sands and silver sands, and like every hooded abaya they have, the Hasna, a few of the plains (I embelleshed them myself), some indoor dresses they seem to no longer carry, a couple niqaabs. I want that satin one and the new black one they have.
Will you ever re-open beautifulmuslimah? I really want like, 4 of those posts. Especially the one where you designed your own sleeves and stuff.