Rabia Z's New Website Launch

Rabia Z (an emirati designer who makes some loose dresses I like and alot of tight pants and tight hijab cap thingies I am not a fan of---of course I am showcasing the designs I like:p) has launched a website so the we average girls can get our hands on our style if we are so willing. Check it out http://www.rabiaz.com/sample1/index.html .I absolutely adore that she isn't a designer for the modest woman who is afraid to cut something in a jewel-tone in a modest silloughette.


AlabasterMuslim said…
Asalaamu Alaikum,
I've been looking for this ever since I saw pictures of some of her designs! THANKS!
Stacy K. said…
I love the colors!
I love the black and yellow! very beautiful!
NeverEver said…

Oh I'm a fan of the black and yellow too, though I think it would look awful on me, lol.

Thanks for posting, I've been wondering when she would put up a website! :-D
Madiha M.K said…
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS! I love her vision for these things! Subhan Allah.

Surprisingly, very fresh for the middle eastern's eyes!

I think these designs are a heck of a LOTTTTT better than the exhibited and sold designs out here in Egypt! This is more creative. It's..unique. I'm so happy!
Anonymous said…
Assalamu alaikom,
*drool* is all I have to say. :)
Boxie said…
OMGosh~ they are so grate. I really like how colours are used. I see some that I would love to where. You always find the best abaya designers. thanks for posting them.
Anonymous said…
Subhanallah their so pretty!...i just dont somehow see myself walking down to work or uni in those dresses... :( wish i could but i dont think i could rock that look!

:D A'isha.
Linda said…
Hey there is another muslim fashion designer from Sweden Iman Aldebe you can see her designs at her blog www.Coverista.com