Volunteer Blog Author/Moderator Courdinater Needed

To all those sisters helping me with the previous post, let me remind you all of this site (mine) http://jilbabandhijab.blogspot.com/ that hasn't been used in quite a while. This is how it all worked: http://jilbabandhijab.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-this-all-works.html.

The thing is, I REALLY don't have time to run it right now. I don't have regular internet access. Or free time. So if there is a sister of good reputation in the blogging community or with a recommendation from a sister of good standing in the blogging community who has time to volunteer and be a co-author (and maybe knows how to use the chip-in widget) please leave your email and a little about yourself in the comments section. I will not publish. Thank you!
-a "very-busy-and-internt-less" Pixie
