Things I Intend to Sell pt 1: would you be interested buyers?

It has been a long time, and there were quite a few set-backs but I have always wanted to make the Western Muslimah's life either easier (with hijab clothing that really IS hijab but it still human-looking to her maybe non-muslim family and friends) and more affordable. So I had a goal of selling (and later designing) Islamic clothing to meet these needs for a long long time. I am going to inshaAllah start these next few months. Right now I am going to tell ya'll about a few first possible products I have in mind and let me know about your enthusiasm for them if any so I can get busy!
I still need to sleuth out the prices for good quality flip niqabs and Emirati Gashwas but these are kind of a mainstay in my closet. They are Salalah-Niqabs, a style unique to the Sultanate of Oman where I reside. They consist of a tie-back head-band which fits all sizes, and a short chin or mid-neck length face veil. This veil may have other layers of fabric underneath giving it a layered looked, but its length and headband identify it as being from Salalah, where the Queen of Sheba hailed from in King Sulaiman's day. Being that the veil is shorter it has the advantage of being safer around children who like to tug on ones niqab (less material for them to get their hands on) and makes eating in public a breeze for me without removing it, unlike my Saudi-flip niqabs. The disadvantage is, if it isn't a layered, longer style (which you can custom order with me) then you have to make sure your khimar/hijab scarf covers your chest or your overhead abaya is a closed-at-the-chin style. I personally love them. They come with no string, a nose-string, or three strings. The three string style cost about $12-15.00 USD, while the other two are available for $3-5.00 USD depending on the quality. Even the lowest quality I could find was still the best compared to what I found ordering from online shops back in the West.Jersey balloon sleeve close-front abayat. I love them a. because they are closed front so I don't have to worry about what I am wearing underneath, b. they are very modest in fit and tend to look good on all body-types, whether thin or super curvy, short or tall, c. here in Oman the front is made of high quality and durable crepe and the jersey sleeves are so lightweight they are not hot AT ALL, and d. in the West I would have loved these because you can choose from any fashion-ey print or clour trend for the sleeves and not stand-out too much from non-muslim family and friends. $45-70.00 USD depending on what deals I can get on the fabrics. $45 would probably be cheap black fabric instead of crepe but if you live somewhere cold that wouldn't matter.


Umm Aaminah said…
Salaam sis, love the look of the niqab with the forehead peak (away from the face). This is how I wear my khimars and I find it's more practical (sun visor) and attractive.

I like the one with the nose string and the slightly larger eye openings. In UAE I wore niqaab but the ridiculous thing always touched my eyelashes and it drove me crazy!!! :-) I also bought a gashwa online from ArabianThreads to shield my face from the sun when outside. (I don't wear niqaab but am still thinking of it.)

I would be interested to buy a niqaab to have "just in case" or when I travel. :-)
American Niqabi said…
I'd be interested in the niqabs. I'm looking for a niqab to wear to college, I don't want anything which will get in my way and be annoying lol. Plus I plan to be riding my bike around campus most of them time so I'm looking for a niqab which won't make me suffocate! Perhaps a shorter one (like the ones in the photo) would work for riding a bike, what do you think, Pixie?
Maryam said…
I would love to buy some abayaat but I don't have a creditcard. How can I buy things??
Taya* said…
MashaAllah tabarik allah that is such wonderful news!! I am extremely thrilled and so happy that the loads of dua'a paid off. It was most definetly in allah's plans for you. I'm so over the moon happy for you honey, alhamdulilah. Please take good care of yourself and eat well. I wish you could see how happy I am really. This is the best piece of news I've had all day!! All the best to you and your family.


Sumayah said…
I would be interested in the balloon sleeve abayaat and all other kinds of abayaat because it's so hard to get quality muslimah clothing here in UK. And apart from fashion, I'd be very interested in bukhoor, Arabian perfumes and other such items which are so hard to get in the West:(
Anonymous said…
Assalamu alaykum, sis,

As a sister in the deep (read ignorant :p) south, anything with color is a must! Masha'allah, I love those balloon sleaved abayat, can you show a picture where the woman is standing with her arms out?

And, just because I can't contain it, ALHAMDULILLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, ALHAMDULILLAH, Insha'allah you're going to be a mommy!!!

:)))))))))))))))))))))) Anna
Noma said…
I love these ballon sleeve abayat! I have an uncle in Jeddah and sent pictures of potential abayas I wanted just design type but said that the design of all of them would be at least $1000! I'd definitely be interested in getting a balloon abaya from you and especially when it's so cheap!Printed sleeves seem a little too much but I'd go with maybe just a solid color.