My Style: What I wore after Juma going out for lunch at the Persian Restaurant "Sidedish"

Pakistani Rose-Embroidered abaya from seller in Oman via

Red glossy purse: Aldo Accessories

Shayla: from the now defunct website (customized with gold beads sewn on by myself)

Rose ring: Aldo Accessories

Gold Sandals: sadly, from Walmart. And thus were soooooooo uncomfortable I only wore them this once. Pretty though.

Niqab (worn only to and from Juma prayers): from the now defunct website
We sisters always met up at the Persian/Iranian restaurant.I was a huge fan of the "osh" soup" and "lamb stew".Everyone else was in love with the lamb kebobs, because 'Sidedish' was one of the few restaurants in Victoria, B.C., Canada, that then had a halal meat option.
