Update: January 7th 2013

Asalaam alaykom ramatullahi wa baraakto sisters and friends,

I can't believe some of you are still following my near defunct blog. Jazzakallahkheir;).

I don't know what happened but I have been the world's worst blogger. I remember a time in my life where I was balancing full-time work, a husband, a social life, and still had the time to be creative with the blog. I am so sorry, I swear, but I remember someone asked me how I could make a billion fashion sets and still have time for work and marriage: the answer is, I didn't have children.

I remember hating when my favourite bloggers announced they were pregnent because I knew it would affect their blogging. I don't know why, but the time I used to spend of my spare time gets spent making a silly little girl giggle, and chasing her around, and trying to teach her English since she prefers to answer anything I say in Arabic;). I spend my extra money on getting her toys and cute hair accessories instead of on purses and designer abayas.

And I still do totally take care of myself at home and do makeup and clothes that my husband can see, but as for hijab fashion, I have been only moderately stylish to say the least. Let's call it the barefoot fashion blogger syndrome. I can still post the trends before others but am too lazy to apply them to my own life and have stuck with a classic and stream-lined style.

I even sold my Birken so that I could afford a family vacation.

Ahhhh, the life of a former fashionista turned Mommy. As I am not a maternal woman (even now) I can at least say I am coping with motherhood and my munchkin seems to love me and find me a fun person to be around, so I get a B+ there.

I had aimed to get the beautifulmuslimah blog up and running by now, but it is soooo hard. There are so many posts to edit the wording (and anything ugly) 500+ and I feel overwhelmed.

Good news is, as soon as blogger fixes their problem of the image upload button I will try to get some images uploaded for ya'll here anyways. I made some fashion sets.

You may note my style has changed. I did the whole abaya ras and niqab thing for a while, but it just isn't necessary in Oman like I found it to be in UAE and with Saudis so I will try to get back on track with being modest but stylish. I know the trends for cuts in abayas here in the GCC so I will report on the latest collections.

And I might be attending the Nawal Al Hooti and DAS shows at Muscat fashion week (inshAllah) and I will post on local events (most of them not Islamic ones) through photos of pretty things and through a more culturally orientated blog I guest-post on: www.howtolivelikeanomaniprincess.blogspot.com .

I haven't had time for any Islamically researched posts, but I will try to list my favourite online websites, and bloggers (as I am little behind on that).

Love to hear from you ladies. Masalaama for now;)


Stacy K. said…
Ha ha I love your "barefoot fashion blogger syndrome," too funny!
For me, I blogged more when I was just a stay at home mom, but then that all changed when I went back to school. Truly, I lack time management skills more than anything else, and waste too much time reading random blogs, news, etc while supposedly "studying," but then just don't feel creative enough at the end of the day to post any of my own thoughts. Good luck with that! I would be fun to see you blogging regularly again :-)
StylishMuslimah said…
Yay, I am very happy to see that you have decided to start regularly blogging again. You have always been one of my favourite bloggers :)
Salam x
Pixie said…
Stacey Aka Fahiima, oh I get that! I was a stay-at-home pregnancy but I was too sick to blog then lol, or I'd have eebn working. I am addicted to work. I need to work or I feel myself getting dumber.

Not saying AT ALL women who stay at home get dumber, I know I DO. I stop reading, I stop watching the news, I stop meeting people. I talk in baby-talk and don't become mroe productive. My hous egets messier (ironically-my husband notes) and I cook less. I don't know, having a job totally forces me to do things. If I don't have someone else monitoring that, or at least giving me deadlines, I flail about in life lol.
Pixie said…
Stylish Muslimah: And you've always been one of mine;)