Now I know this is probably too much for some of you, and just enough for others, but this colour is so beautiful, and I asked my husband, and he says he totally thinks this is fine for where I live (LOL though maybe not the entire Muslim community). I really want this abaya from for $36.95 GBP. I would wear it for special occasions where I have to be very formal, the matching shayla draped in the Qatari style I posted a few pages back, with some pink crystal chandelier earrings. It would also be the perfect modesty make-over for Aishwarya Rai when she wore this dress....
It is not so hard. If you don't respect the other commentators who have done that enough to do so yourself, I may not post your comments, even if they, I love this outfit. We have found on other sites that this reduces fighting and arguments among the commentators.
Masha'Allah, this is very beautiful! But sister, I can't buy clothing online and all of the Islamic clothing stores here sell abayas for sooo much (a simple black abaya with no design or anything cost me 50$!)- can you post a pattern or give tips as to how to sew your own abaya?
I love wearing earrings poking out form under my hijab etc... but some sisters feel it is an adornment and one should refrain?
What do others think?
But just for now from the edge of the face to that bone right in front of the ear yet covering any hair that naturally grows there. and down the face to the middle of the chin bone and along the jaw bone. Not shoing the under side of the chin as this is part of the neck. it doesn't have to be wahed in wudu therefore it does not count as face but neck. and of course the top to the hairline or where it would noramlly be (for balding or bald women)
So given all that I really don't see how you can show earings.
LOL sorry If again I sound all harsh lol. It does look fab glam but still .....
and as for the pink I love women in pink. This pink is a little too bright for my personal wearing though I'd love to see it on a darker skined sister but I'd prefer a softer pink for me.